Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Cruise Pico to SF Dam Rec Area

 Solo 23 from Pico to the SF Dam rec area. Took pics along the way with my super clamp and swivel ball arm. Pretty cool stuff that keeps me entertained ha ha ha!

Just a non eventful day heading north on SGRT relaxing the legs. Then dinner with Gina at Sizzler. Funny thing, we were in line when Evelyn walked by serving a plate to a customer. She told us that Christian and Angelina were arguing over whose area we would be seated. We laughed then the customer turned up, looked at us and said, "wow, you must be a good tipper if they are arguing about who is going to serve you!". Ha ha ha, they know us as The Homies as I've mentioned. I think Christian does it to get a rise out of Angelina knowing she serves us all the times we go into the joint. Plus he's new to the serving aspect. 

But he did see the shout out on my video saying he showed it to his parents. He was pretty happy and I asked if his parents knew he was a good worker and if they were surprised by the comments in the video. He said they know he was a good worker but it was nice showing them someone's from the outside point of view. Good guy, he deserves it!

It was funny that Angelina came up and said Evelyn told the others that they should not give me any more brownies or dessert because I am diabetic. She said she was looking out for me ha ha ha! The whole thing started about the Homies was one time I asked Angelina if she would give me a plate for some strawberry shortcake seeing I didn't get the salad bar so dessert wasn't included. She said heck yeah, she wasn't the salad bar monitor and happily gave me a plate and I gave her the 20 spot. Since then she has always offered a plate for dessert and I had taken a few. But when I noticed my numbers were on the rise, I backed off and refused dessert telling them why. So not knowing I had been type 2 for 9 years already, the staff teased Angelina saying she turned me diabetic ha ha ha.  So today I explained that I had been but was just being naughty so I think it eased her mind. Young people so gullible ha ha ha! 

Christian did say he saw the comment where I posted that I am almost 62 and said he was shocked as his father is 52 and we look the same age. I guess being a tipper has it's perks ha ha ha!

Then the mall with Gina for coffee. Run into a dude that goes there taking a guitar and a Bible. We've chatted a few times and he really a beginner so I have shown him a few things. Seems he has a hard time picking it up and when I borrow his guitar for a few minutes, he always tells me how great I am on the guitar ha ha ha! That's how I know he is really new ha ha ha! I told him that I am musically challenged and the reason I wanted to play but he says he would never have known that. OK, I'll take the compliment ha ha ha!

But just a beautiful day all around.

I did stop at the SF Dam to take a few pics with my claw clamped on a sign pole. Happened to get a couple others in the lens. The dude with the red helmet asked if I was ok or needed any help. Cool guy so I snapped a pic with the remote ha ha ha!

I had to do the upper section of the Dam Climb 3 times to get some pics. Grades of 11% so it was fun trying to stand and click the remote taking my thumb off the hoods ha ha ha!

See, we got some exercising hotties inland as well!

Then dinner with Gina. A lady at Sizzle told her that her dress was very pretty and that it looked nice on her. Then Angelina told her that she looked very cute today. I was like, "what about me?". People don't realize the t shirt I was wearing today cost me $230 ha ha ha! (St. Jude, this t-shirt saves lives)

I'm liking the stripes in Gina's hair.



Spring is in the Air Solo 41

 Solo 41 on the SGRT. Nice day, nice week, nice everything! Not much happening these days but maybe because I start so late. Thinking that I should be able to get up easily at 6 or 7 am to hit the trail is always my intent seeing that we get up at 4 am every weekday for work. But Saturday comes and I'm a zombie in the morning. Hate that feeling waking up at 4 am thinking you're late only to realize it's Saturday ha ha ha! So I didn't end up getting out of bed till like 9:30 and started late, so everybody is heading back while I'm heading out. Usually about 20 to 30 cars parked in the lot around the cycling section but when I get back, maybe 3 ha ha ha!

Oh yeah, and Christian was really happy with the shout outs in the video. Showed his parents as well saying they got a kick out of it. This was the Saturday video so when we went in on Sunday, it was quite entertaining. They really take care of us to the point they argue about which section we will sit and who will serve us. I'll post the story in my Sunday ride blog post, crazy young people ha ha ha!

Christian did say he saw the comment where I posted that I am almost 62 and said he was shocked as his father is 52 and we look the same age. I guess being a tipper has it's perks ha ha ha!

Really cracks me up, the insecurity of so many cyclists. If I see a faster rider go by me, I watch him ride off thinking, MORE POWER TO HIM!!! I admire them knowing they are strong riders. But so many insecure people, I'm guessing the drive really big trucks and have little pee pee complexes ha ha ha! 

Saturday, about 3 miles before the coast, I passed a couple of riders, friends I'm guessing riding together. I passed them then down the road, I got a feeling, looked back and one of the dudes was on my wheel. So he's got fancy deep set carbon wheels and you're drafting me? So I moved over, picked up my water bottle, took a drink then looked back at him as if to say, go ahead dude! He took off like a rocket and sprinted ahead. I just kept my pace and sure enough, as usual, he faded like a cheap tattoo. Rolled right by him a couple minutes later as he sat up to shake his arm as if he was really hurting. OK, usual story ha ha ha!  Caught him on video about 20 yards ahead looking strong.............for about 2 minutes ha ha ha!

                                                                            Youtube video

Forgot to take a ride pic so this will have to do till I get a video still image ha ha ha1

Got my Shot Bloks supply from ebay on Friday. Shipped via Amazon and the box was thrashed. That's ok as I store my stuff in a case anyway ha ha ha!

Earned my Los Jarritos chile relleno and enchiladas today 😋 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Solo Fat Bastard Pico to Bellflower & Back

 Solo 20. Crazy wind felt the same both ways.  Seemed no matter my effort,  I was doing the same speed 🤣

But a good Sunday ride for sure.  Testing out my new bottle cage storage case.  New one not being able to locate the one I had. Of course an hour after I get it, Gina tells me she knows where the other one is and 30 seconds later,  I have 2 in my hand. But the new one is an itty-bitty bit bigger inside so my mounts fit better.  

And yes, I thought about drafting her for a bit. 😆😄😆 Kidding of course, she's too skinny and her butt is too small for me! 😆

Relive video,  first in a while.

Did my ride then to an early dinner with Gina.  Steak and lobster 🦞 😋 at Northwoods Inn West Covina.  Excellent waiter, same dude as last time we were there.  

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday Solo 40

Solo 40 from Pico Golf course to the base of the Azusa mountains and back. The end of the trail.  Set 3 PR's on Strava and I'll take it ha ha ha!

But a bad week at work this week. Really ugly scene, don't know how but a young guy, about1 or 2 months there got his hand caught in a press machine. Sadly, at an all hands meeting a couple weeks back, we were shown a safety video of why not to put your hand in the machines. The big steel plates slamming down at high pressure crushing a watermelon like nothing. Somehow this kid just that. I was upstairs getting my lunch bag ready to head home when I heard someone screaming at the top of their lungs. I thought someone was arguing or fighting so I looked out only to see a couple of guys helping the kid walk out. He was shouting loud but I couldn't make it out. I walked down to head out and saw small drips of blood on the ground so I figured he got cut. They were walking him out to wait for emergency vehicles. I had to walk by to get out and saw his wrist covered with paper towels. I looked over as I walked by as he was still screaming wide eyed. I saw his hand was pretty much missing but his pinky hanging down like a piece of scrap meat. Seems they had gotten his wife on the phone as I heard him screaming on the phone shouting, BABE, MY HAND IS GONE, IT F'ING GONE, MY HAND IS GONE!!!!. 

Wow, freaked me out and I'm still wondering how he did it. Spooked me having heard of things like this but never seen the aftermath of an accident like this, the gross image stuck in my head. Poor guy!

Freaked me out so I took the day off. Can't get the thought out of my head. Makes me think I ought to leave the manufacturing game and go into the Walmart greeter field. Probably a lot safer!

But strangely enough, the other day I got a letter in the mail saying I am now officially able to retire. I get so much a month but if I wait till I am 67, in 5 more years, I will get another $500 per month. Making me think, if I pass on the money I can receive now, after 60 months, I will have lost abut $100,000. Makes ne think that if I wait 5 more years, get another 500 every month, will I even live long enough or will I ever even catch up to missing that 100 grand. I do get my pension from another employer that I started collecting when I was 55, same situation. Heck, I will have to think this one over considering the money situation and the risk of getting thrashed on the job.

But anyway, the bike helps me forget about the job for a bit. On a good note, I did buy another Kootu saddle on ebay. Second one, first being on my Madone. I measured everything then installed it and seemed to get it just right. About 30 miles in, I did tilt it down a hair and felt better. Either way, perfect or close so it's feeling good. Some ebay gloves, West Bike, less than $14 and work much better than my $35 Louis Gerneau gloves that pretty much suck ha ha ha!

But another good day on the bike. We suffer at times but when it is all said and done, I've enjoyed it! 

                                                                    Youtube video

Friendly Lady

A little eye candy bouncing by

Tried a dumpling house. Turns out the same one we tried about a year ago but a new location in the West Covina mall. OK but not worth the price. Dumplings, Garlic short ribs, and rice, and a tiny drink, $60. Mmmmkay, good to try it again but not worth the high price of a small meal.

But also hit up our faithful Sizzler. Where we are known as The Homies ha ha ha! One gal told another that her homies had come in when she was not there. Ended up treating her good too as she's a good server so she was very happy and now caters to us when we go in even if she isn't our server. She, Evelyn told our girl Angelina, make sure you give him enough lemon for his soup. Then she sent some chocolate covered pretzels she brought from home. Told Angelina to give them to me but only the very few knowing I am avoiding sugar. But it's sweet of them to watch out for us.

One morning, I felt like eating chorizo. So I made it with egg and potatoes. Gina and her Mom were more than happy to help me eat them. Gina has always said that I am a better cook than she is, I don't disagree ha ha ha!

With egg.

With potatoes.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

'Posed to be Easy, But the Wind 🤣

 Solo 23. 

But you know, Summer is coming and I sure miss those warm Summer day rides with Gina. Again someday!