Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Nice Easy Short Ride with Gina/ And Forum Members are Some Miserable Sheot

Nice little short easy ride with Gina, 13 mph pace. Just trying to relax the legs. Beautiful ride in the cool night air of a hot Summer day. SO nice! I think Gina is starting to see why I really like to ride alone. And at night getting away from everything.

I planned on an easy night cruise but I had to put a little effort into it to keep up with Gina ha ha! I cleaned and lubed her bike so she was happy saying how smooth it felt tonight. Yeah, maybe too smooth cause I kept falling behind ha ha! I'm never going to lube her bike again ha ha!

Hey, we weren't the only couple out here running around tonigh!

Forum Members:

Wow, what a bunch of miserable sons of bitches!

I have been a member of roadbike review for 4 years, only 80 posts. It's a freaking ghost town so there isn't much desire to post there. Same old posters who think they run everything, really rude, obnoxious.

I look in once in a while as I do most cycling forums only to reinforce my thoughts that most are newbies looking for advice or really stupid morons who hang around for no other reason than to insult people. I read many of the replies and wow,  bunch of losers. Now let me say, in my opinion, a bunch of chicken shit, I'm guessing ugly people that are afraid to actually expose themselves on a real website with real people.

Morons who are still asking, these are posters with thousands of post, 10 years of membership still talking about tubes, what the f..........you don't know by now. Idiots who suggest everyone own a Time bike because they are top of the line, being experts because they watched a review video on youtube. Too many idiots ha ha! 

So again, just having fun, I post a couple ride videos. First 2 comments, insults. I have a hard time handling the chicken shit posters who are brave behind the screen like that pussy TrojanHorse from the dot net forums. So hey, fuck you guys! I fire back. Then I actually do get a couple of decent comments. One guy says the vids are too long. OK, there are anywhere from 8 to 30 people on the rides, people like to see clips of themselves riding. If  you get 30 people and do a 10 second clip of everybody, is that going to fit in 5 minutes vs the  7 minutes of mine? I am civil to the guy who actually offered up advice, I just state my opinion and reasons why they are longer. Yeah, if I ride alone, 5 minutes is very doable, but 30 people?

So he goes on to say how he has posted over 100 videos and seems to think he's good at it. of course at one time I had 300 videos, deleted many of them over the years since 2009(?). Now down to about  150 so not like I haven't gotten many views myself. But he goes on with his advice so I ask him to post a video so I can get ideas of what a better video would look like. He gets his panties in a bunch!  I'M CONTENT WITH MYSELF, I DON'T NEED TO PROVE ANYTHING TO ANYBODY WAH WAH WAH!!!!

Ok, you are content with yourself , but you feel the need to criticize my videos? That is cool but can I see a sample of a good video so that I may get ideas? WAH WAH WAH WAH, what a fucking baby! I'm guessing his videos are shit and he'd be embarrassed to post a video that would be compared to mine. I'm happy with my videos, the effects, the edit program and yeah, if I could get it all in 5 minutes, that would be great, But that ain't happening with 30 riders on a 60 mile ride, not even on a 25 mile ride. So that guy had a good idea but will it work for me? NO. And I guess I won't see a sample of his really good entertaining videos either ha ha!

Forgot to add, this same guy said that I should ride along and chat with each rider. Right after he said I should keep it down to 5 minute videos. Really? Ride along with each of the 20 riders, chat with them and then keep it down to 5 minutes. I'm guessing that is why this guy didn't want to show me his videos. Easier said than done!

He did say though that the format and style of the video was good, graphics and all. But I'm guessing his are probably shit quality and more than likely random clips of nothing. I've had these types before, criticize then view their videos. Kind of funny, these video experts!

So another few continue on with, your videos are boring! Ok, not the TDF videos but they are meant to show the people I ride with, the people who like to see themselves riding in a clip if even for 20 seconds. YOUR VIDEOS ARE BORING AND PEOPLE WILL NOT WATCH THEM ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Ok, another good point but again, it is about the people riding. If I get a clip of Jill riding her bike and she knows it on the ride, she will watch the video, maybe even skip through it to find herself. After she does, will she watch the entire video 50 times? No don't be a fucking idiot, I know she will find herself and watch her clip maybe 4 or 5 times and think it's cool. If I am lucky, I might get a thumbs up. I get 5 or 6 now from people who appreciate the videos so not like I am doing it to set thumbs up records. Would be nice but honestly, I can't expect that. I think one of them has about 200 views and that is amazing to me.

Then you get the fucking idiots, same type of fucking idiots on roadbike review as dot net forums. Dumb shits that say I only post pics to show off how tough my rides are! Really, you dumb fucking idiots?! I get compliment after compliment and thanks from many many riders who appreciate the fact that I shared pics of them in action. Whether a rider is on the trail, the dirt, GMR, the desert, Calif, Mexico, 99 percent of them will be happy to see an image of themselves on the bike in action.

That is the main reason why I started posting pics in the forums, in the first place. So showing off, a ride on SART? Trying to prove how tough I am on my rides by posting pics of other riders in action? What the fuck! You guys are idiots!

I have pics and have shared them with family members of our friends who have passed away as well. Their families are grateful for the memories and the kind words I send with the images. I never plan and hope not to, but it happens and I think their families would disagree with you idiots who say it is all about me. A few have viewed my blog after losing a loved on and thanked me for documenting such things. So those who say it is all about me and how tough I am riding my bike, you have a serious problem.

Then the moron on the forum who said I only make videos to say "look at me!". Uh, you dumb fuck, show me one image of me in that video! You really are a stupid mother fucker ha ha! Ok, Kylie Jenner posts pics on instagram and yahoo news ( I see often and don't really want to) of her showing herself in a bathing suit. Now that is look at me but when you see a video of other riders and I am nowhere to be seen, how the fuck does your fucking stupid mind thing I am showing myself to the world hoping to get rich and famous? You dumb fuck!

BTW, when you see all these foul words, I am not mad or excited. I am simply using the best language I can find to show how fucking stupid these people are ha ha!

But then I think about all these morons. Most cyclists that are real are on facebook and groups. So I look at the posting history of these ass holes and realize, they do nothing more than post to insult people. It isn't only me. Someone shows a pic of their bike and they are surely going to get a bunch of stupid comments. Some bikes are actually nice, different, classic, but some idiot will find a way to insult the poster.

You know, when you think about it, these are all the idiots who will never take a chance and show themselves. I'm guessing ugly fuckers who are too ashamed to show themselves. Others are probably social outcasts that can't get along with people other than insulting people behind a computer screen.

I have met a few morons on the forums who are total sarcastic ass holes on the forums but then you meet them in person only to find some kind of a wimp who loos to me like his wife pushes him around so his only escape is to go on the forums looking to insult people.

Reminds me of one idiot on another cycling forum who often criticizes women as often as possible. he says he wants to meet and marry a good looking woman blah blah blah. He did, then she dumped his ass. This guy demands perfection, perfect weight, shape, boobs, but he himself makes Jerry Lewis in a silly movie look really macho. He'd go on and on and then one day I saw his pic and thought, wtf!

I guess he got  married, had a baby then his wife left him. I guess he wasn't so perfect so now every other topic from the guy is how lonely he is and which dating site he can get on to meet a beautiful perfect woman. Wow, ok idiot, I'm pretty sure it's your idiotic mentality that is screwing you, Heck, even Jerry Lewis can find a woman but here you are a 10 time loser ha ha!

People of the forums really amaze me. Heck, I sent a message to the mods on roadbike reviwe, Coolhand, asking him to delete, ban, do whatever it takes to get me off the site. Nothing but sour old men there I think just waiting to insult people and new posters. The mods and admins should really take a look at the ass holes there if they want to improve the site. Really! 1 new topic every week? 3 new replies per section, an only  in 2 of several, each day? You guys really suck and I can see why. Someone tries to post a topic out of entertainment but the moron loser misfits there attack everyone who tries to add to the forum. Bye!

But I guess that is everywhere like dot net forums. Bunch of behind the screen brave ass holes who only get brave when they think you're not there ha ha!

I actually wen to dot net the other day and liked a few posts. Of course Beachgrad as she's one of the ones who mentions me when she thinks I am not around ha ha! Just to let her know I still see what you post so watch yourself and your chicken shit ways. Why not mention me when you know I'm there and  can respond to your comments? Nope, total chicken shit!

Then another /ex poster sees my likes on the forum and is surprised I'm still around ha ha! Asking me who else knows that it's me. Well beachgrad of course, then there is that big mouth pussy TrojanHorse!

I explained how TrojanPuss went on the forums years ago boasting about how he beat me on a strava segment. Dumb ass went on the forum bragging about it. So I guess beating Mr. Beanz was a really big milestone in his life. Yay, glad you worship me enough hope you could compare yourself someday, idiot!

But I told the guy, after the idiot ran his mouth on the forums, I pointed out that I am not a segment hunter. Anybody who rides with me knows I ride my pace and could care less about segments. I just ride and whatever comes out, comes out. Only dick heads like TrojanBitch worry about things like that.

So the Bitch brags about beating me on a segment. OK, life is complete haha! But what he fails to mention is that he beat me by 2 mph on a 50-100 yard segment, I forget the short distance details, but yet his entire ride is 20 miles at 15 average while my ride with Gina was 40+ at a 17.5 mph average speed.

Wow, what a dickhead! And who is the real winner of your fake race TrojanBitch?! Seems you're comparing yourself to your own imagination.

And btw, did I read you did not complete Breathless Agony? Wow, you beat me on some GMR segments and you look great on paper, but did your pussy ass finish Breathless Agony? Ha, or Ride Around the Bear? Did you ever try or were you just happy to beat me on the GMR segments ha ha! Well, there are dreamers and there are the riders who actually do it. TrojanPuss ain't one of them.

And of course, nowadays, it's too hot for him outdoors so the bitch is riding a trainer indoors ha ha! Being a real person, not the behind the screen tough guy like Trojanbitc, I left a comment on his strava. If he wants to talk shit, then let's talk shit where I can answer back. But the Puss blocked me.

Ha ha, he was real tough calling me names on the forum when he thought I was not there. Typical wimp pussy ass bitch!

BTW,  Fred Delgado on facebook. Feel free to contact me if you really want to talk trash. That would be more fair and admirable, and respectable rather than talk trash when you feel safe behind the screen. OR, you could come out and we could exchange words in person. You know where we kick back at the beach. Feel free to show up and display your chicken shit behind the screen macho man personality.

I'd be happy to talk it over with you face to face since you delete my comments and block me when I have a chance to respond to hour chicken shitness. Won't be the first time a forum member showed up thinking he could put me in my place ha ha! Oh yeah, and come alone. I'll have only Gina but she won't need to jump in. If anything, she might protect you. 

So anyway, I'm loving this facebook thing. Real people, people who don't talk shit about you because they know they will have to answer for the stupid things they say. People who show common courtesy, respect, and know that if they have nothing good to say, then don't say anything. haven't met one in person yet that is a chicken shit puss like Trojanhorse!

So that is why I hate forums again, fake people chicken shits, and sour bastards just looking to insult people in the security of their own little worlds behind the screen.

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