Saturday, February 11, 2023

Solo Spider 40

 Solo 40 then out to an early dinner with Gina and her Mom.  Treated us to Olive Garden,  hey I'll take it. Always a good time with Gina's Mom.  She has a heart of gold. I think that's where Gina gets it from. 

But the ride started out chilly. I chose to leave the windbreaker and tights in the truck.  Sometimes the newer tights bug me so I try to avoid them when I can. But I survived ha ha ha. 

One thing I find funny,  well actually enjoy.  I'm starting out,  takes me time to warm up and work out the creaks. First section is rather flat then goes up after 5 miles or so.  

Almost always a guy, different guys that pass me on the lower section.  Not sure where they come from as I usually know who's around me.  I figure they get on the trail right after I pass an underpass. 

So I'm still warming up as they roll by proud as can be passing me. Watching the guy, seems he's going 100 percent trying to drop me. Heck   I'm going 60 percent trying to warm up watching the guy pull ahead 50 to 100 yards. 

Once we get to the section where it starts stair stepping up, I notice I get another 10 yards closer with each short upramp. 

On the final 4 miles  I'm almost certain I'll pass within the next mile and a half.  And yes, there it is. I'll pass the guy on a short steep ramp and almost always,  he'll take my wheel. 

I'll tell the guy, hey I'm not into drafting and I like to ride alone so you can go ahead or drop back.  

Heck  I'm not out there riding my bike to pull people.  I don't rely on others to carry me on my rides so why should I carry anyone?

So once he gets off my wheel   I kick it up and work my butt off on the final couple of miles dropping him far back. So hey, the guys are pretty proud dropping me 50 yards  at the start but I love crushing their souls when we hit the elevating game. 😄

The grade heading up. 

Ah, still working my butt off sweating with these itty-bitty tiny little parts measuring them on a CMM (coordinate measuring machine) working in the AC of the Metrology lab. 😄

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