Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas to Me

 My Greatest Christmas gift, other than being married to the most beautiful,  sweetest,  loving woman who ever walked this earth.  

Since I was a child, maybe 10 years old, I knew I wanted to go into my later years being healthy and strong.  Learning later that in order to enjoy life, I'd have to be "ABLE" to enjoy it.  I've grown to realize I'd have to be healthy if I plan to feel good later in life. Though I joke and kid about feeling old, I actually feel great! 

Money, I could have all the money in the world but what good is it if one can't enjoy it?  I've had plenty of people tell me I'm already rich. Other ways to be rich.

Recently started using a heart rate monitor.  If you know anything about max heart rate targets, it's 220 minus your age.  Mine should be 160 max.

Recently hitting 193 without any stress or pain,  other than the effort to  push while exercising. Figuring I can max at 190 plus, using the formula,  I figure I have the heart of a 30 year old person.  😄 

Whether accurate or not,  during physicals, doctors always comment on what a strong heart I have.  Most times asking what I do to keep it strong,  cycling of course.  

One lady from the cycling community said, OUR GENETICS LOAD THE GUN, LIFESTYLE PULLS THE TRIGGER!!!

Exactly! Never been into keeping up with the Joneses. I've always wanted a GREAT LOVE ❤️, strength 💪,  and good health heading into my senior years (yes, I get the senior discount at Sizzler 😄).

This year, I know I have all of these.  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!! 🙂


  1. Merry Christmas young man. I'm looking forward to another new year of riding my bike. How about you?

    1. Thanks Jimbo, and merry Christmas to you! Of course, looking forward to another year of cycling. Hopefully a few but at this rate of aging lately.........🤣
