Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Sugru by Tesa

 Sugru by Tesa. This stuff is awesome 👌.  My rubber hood on my bike was ripping.  Parts (st-5510) are no longer available from around 2005. Ebay sellers want $65 for used beat up stuff. I don't think so, so I did some searching on the net. ONE  guy mentioned Sugru saying it was good stuff.

Like Play-doh clay but starts setting in 30 minutes.  Fully cured in 24 hours. Very easy to work with. 

$20 for 3 small slabs, 3.3 ounces total.  

I gave it a try with nothing to lose.  Excellent!!! Patched up the tear and turns into rubber like the hood.

It's a rubber glue thing. Look it up if you've never seen it. Can be formed into a rubber patch like mine.

Some create little key ring hooks and place them directly onto the wall. Some glue lids or magnets unde a shelf to use as jar holders, magnetic accessory holders pretty cool. 

I'm just happy I could fix my rubber hood on my bike. I replaced them about 6 years ago but can't find replacement any longer seeingvthe shifters are from 2005.

Hopefully with time it will turn more black. Bt if not, it works.


  1. Nice job on the improv repair ! Clever use .
    I'll keep Sugru in mind that is my kind of product. Keep it next to duct tape and tie-wraps in utility drawer.


    1. Yup, good stuff. Done some searching and some have used it in very handy ways. 😀
