Sunday, August 11, 2024

Chased by a Bear Tour

 Solo 20 miles from Pico Rivera to Bellflower and back. Didn't feel too warm but I see the high was 104.  Hot I guess but I did stop for a few repeats to take some pics. Somebody's got to do it and I didn't see many others out there ha ha ha!

Did get chased by a red bear but luckily I was fast enough to outrun him ha ha ha!

Tried to go very easy but the wind doesn't allow me. At one point I saw 12.5 with a good effort.  Trying to keep the effort and HR down and seemed to do so, so I can't complain too much ha ha ha!

Big Red Bear is one of the faster of the bear species. But I was able to snap a pic and STILL, outrun him ha ha ha!

Forgot to mention, second day on the Kootu saddle. 46 yesterday and 20 today. Getting ready I noticed there were no sore spots along my chamois area. Ahhh happy balls ha ha ha!

$23 on ebay, I'm totally surprised just as I was with the $30 Charge Spoon saddle that has served me far better than my $200 Terry Fly.

I could go back and forth swapping saddles if I wanted. Giving a slight edge to the Kootu. Hopefully it lasts a long time. Heck, I'd buy another and probably will after the month or so durability test. Read about the Kootu on a Facebook group page. People were hassling the dude about his review but seemed like something that would serve me and for $23, I'll give it a try. I see plenty of ads on FB advertising super comfy saddles for $300-$400. Wow, if I can have comfort for $23, I'll take it and it has entered my mind to break down and get one of those super expensive saddles. But I seen a few negative comments from users so like any other saddle, not every set of buns is the same. Meaning even the super expensive stuff might not work.

Back to work Monday. Gotta pay for them expensive saddles! 

Funny thing, just found out that the gal that quit left because she said this was too difficult. She left and found out they asked me a couple weeks after she left, to swap over to the nuclear power plant product line. Testing parts that are used at nuclear power plants. Got an explanation of the parts from an engineer.

One guy there 8 years and another gal 2 years. I ask questions they can not answer. They don't understand the technical stuff. Problems with a machine, engineer comes down to check it out and explains things to me and I understand and ask questions and the other two are puzzled. I didn't know that, they say ha ha ha ! I guess I know more of the technical stuff having a bigger background in QC compared to them as well as working on measuring machines.

So the switch was good. They needed someone who knew something and my job is much easier in this department. They wanted me to learn 1 machine in 2 weeks. I picked up 2 machines in 3 days then another , the third machine in 5 days ha ha ha!  Now the engineers are asking me questions because the others don't understand. Hmmm!

I guess I'm not as stupid as I look ha ha ha! I remember years ago, a supervisor telling me, "you play dumb but I know you're a lot smarter than you pretend not to be" ha ha ha! I guess so but if people know you're smart, they ask you questions.

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