Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hot Solo Sunday

 Another 20 for the weekend. Went easy knowing it was going to be hot. 96 when I started out and it wasn't going to get any cooler. Kept it easy and a low heart rate just spending time on the bike and taking pics ha ha ha!

Strange that I stopped to take pics once near the top but I sure didn't feel hot at all, Actually kind of cool with a little breeze, I'll take it!

Then a nice meal with Gina after at Outback.  Ok stuff but boy I sure am getting spoiled with good home cooked meals. A couple places still seem good to me, Casa Jimenez with the fajitas or all you can eat and Avolios with the salad and pizza. The rest of the places are ok but not really outstanding or THAT good. Good enough but expensive considering the enjoyment factor, could be better for the price.

One sad thing on the trail is the trash tossed by the homeless. So they keep tossing trash along the trail near the top City of Hope area. The authorities clean it up then sure enough, it's back a couple of weeks later. How about this? Arrest those ass hats for the day, feed them a ham sandwich then make them clean up the mess and place it in a trash truck. I bet they'd start thinking twice about tossing crap along the trail. And the dude with a car parked down in the river with a tent. Nothing more to worry about other than flying his kite. Must be nice! If I parked my truck down there, it would be towed, I'd be fined and probably have to spend a couple thou trying to get my truck back. At least get some work out of those morons.

Which reminds me, starting work on nuclear stuff tomorrow at work. OK! Ha ha ha!

Update: First day in the nuclear area at work running a smart scope. Managers at work asked me to transfer to the nuclear dept saying they knew I had the experience and ability to run the scope and lacking the skilled people to run it, asked me. Um ok! Today was the first day. They said I would receive 2 weeks training. After the first 3 hours, I was running the computerized scope on my own. The gal training me said she was surprised that I picked up on it so soon as the last person they hired to run it said it was too difficult and quit.  Surprised, I'm Mr. Beanz Dammit! Ha ha ha!

So I did celebrate with and 31 flavors today with my Honey. And dang, my $2 pre week allowance adds up quickly. And this is after giving away a few 20's to people I thought should have a 20 ha ha ha!

                                               The chump change I carry around in my pocket.

Hot but a nice day!

Wow, looking back on the time I built my Madone. 29,000 miles later, no sign of a glitch in the wheels. One minor true and tension at 12,000 miles. Haven't touched then since and 29,000 miles, still doing well. 

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