Sunday, July 28, 2024

Easy Sunday Ride

 Easy 20 Sunday miles. Of course the wind never cooperates so not always that easy.🤣 Pico to the dam and back. Having fun with the camera clamp thingy. 😁

Powered by fajitas the night before. Nice little din din with Gina at one of our favorite places. Fajitas, chile relleno, and salad.

And a little Saturday eve chillin' out with Juice it Up. 10 minutes before closing so we enjoyed it in the car ha ha ha!

Then after my short Sunday ride, late lunch with my Honey. Pretty much my day, one hour of cycling and two hours of eating ha ha ha!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mark J Encounter Tour

 Solo 40 miles running into Mark at Seal Beach. Like Tony, he and I went to high school together. It was he who got me climbing up to Big Bear in Ride Around the Bear which was a timed event , 100 miles with 10,000 ft of gain. I ended up doing it 4 times before they wussified the ride into Tour De Big Bear where they drive up and start at the top eliminating the best part, climbing up!

So we had a good chat spending too much time at the coast so I hit some pretty good wind on the return. The final ten miles where it seemed I was out there alone. I was actually happy at the end when a rider was leaving the golf course claiming he was struggling because the wind shifted thinking he was going to have an easy tail wind on the return.

Other news, enjoying life. bumped up my life insurance at work to $95,000. As I've mentioned, I've been told many times in my life that I wasn't worth sheot ha ha ha! Well, if $95, 000 isn't sheot, then I guess so! I did mention too that if I happen to go real soon, I want Gina investigated ha ha ha! I want to be on ID TV, Forensic Files and all the cool stuff. My MIL Cecee is the contingent beneficiary so if something happens to both Gina and I, investigate her. But she says she'll be living in Laughlin ha ha ha! Yeah, she enjoys gambling a little bit ha ha ha!

Not to mention, having a good time enjoying life. Plenty of outing and fun with my Honey.

I did choose God Part 1 for the song. Not sure how many people know this song but one of my favorite U2 songs.


Always some sexy going on out there ha ha ha!

This is just the most beautiful face in the world! No, not mine, Gina's. Always smiling, always happy, always in a good mood. Can't ask or find a better woman.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Cruise & The $20

 Another 20 on the charts. Pico Rivera to Bellflower. I had to take a pic of the plaque at the park because II never remember the name of the city of my 10 mile turn around point. I usually say Downey but it's Bellflower.

Usual cruise ride but at one point, had to drop the hammer. Some dude entered the trail as I was about 3 miles into my ride just warming up. He held back for about a mile then went flying by. Looking back as if he thought I might have taken his wheel then later as if he was watching me. Dude, I'm not racing, just relaxing and stretching the legs so I won't be stiff at work on Monday. Then he faded some and I gained on every little incline along the trail. I was warming up nicely but not wanting to catch up knowing he would take my wheel like most clowns out there. 

Later he slowed big time and I passed. Sure enough about 1/4 mile later, he was shadowing me but not exactly drafting. But that is annoying in my opinion. He slowed to 12 mph then as I went by, picked it up and kept my speed. Why not just do your own ride?

About a mile later figuring he was going to stick by me like that, I slowed way down on and incline pulling out my water bottle so he would pass. He did then stood up to sprint around, what a clown! I fell back and just relaxed and soon, was gaining on him again as the wind kicked up. Especially on the little inclines. Soon, I was at about mile 8 of my 10 before turning around when I noticed he was fading more with the wind. I saw a small incline in the trail up ahead. So I made a plan. I would creep up a bit closer, maybe 30 yards back then when we hit the incline, I'd pass him. I did then I put the hammer down for the next mile and a half knowing he would try to stay by me. BAM !!! He's gone!!! I looked back the last half mile and he was way back there. What he heck, keep hammering his ass and put the final nail in the coffin. Just to let him know, not everybody out there relaxing on the bike is weak. It's discipline maintaining but sometimes, you just go to hammer one of the clowns out there. He was so far back, yeah he got hammered ha ha ha!

Then dinner with Gina, way too much food. Looks like much less when one reads it on the menu ha ha ha! Salad always good, managed to finish my cannelloni, Gina ate half the calzone and we were stuffed. I actually regretted finishing mine, little too much and not all that good. Should have stuck with the usual pizza there but hey, tried something new. Got to once in a while.

Later, just felt like a small burger before calling it a night. Saw some dude in there asking the cashier for a small burger.  Then he exited the building and stood outside. Poor dude, so far gone we all know he will never recover so why not make his day?

I went out knowing he would ask for money. Sure enough I walked out and he asked if he could ask me a question. I said, "WHAT?!" in a semi aggressive manner just to mess with him knowing I'd give him some money.  So he asked for A DOLLAR.

I told him I'd give him some money if he would take a pic with me. He said SURE in a flash.  Seemed to have a good sense of humor. After I snapped the pic, he asked how much did I plan to give him. I said GUESS. He replied, "you're not going to give me a $20 are you?'.

I said, why not!" I gave him the 20 and he was pretty happy. He said he could eat for 2 days with a 20. Great! So I asked if he had a drinking problem.  Just to mess with him, I told him that if I found out he spent it on booze, I was going to delete the picture. He said,  "OH NO, DON'T DO THAT!!!"

Funny guy! 

I'm almost always the last one back but today, another car, wow!

I don't expect to see much when I ride partial trail not hitting the beach. But today at the park, I was sorry I didn't have my recorder, not on Sunday short rides. But regretted it today. Chick looked much better in person and what a set of knockers she had.  She was at a bench with her loser looking boyfriend, I guess. She got up to go to the restroom, I guess. I guess a lot ha ha ha!

She walked by with some pretty nice looking big guns. No bra, bouncing all over as she walked, damn! Pretty good action and then I knew I regretted not having my GP. Not too many women I see with this kind of bouncing action, I was impressed!

So I slipped over to the shade of a near tree knowing she would take that path on the return so I could snap a pic. Again, the pic doesn't do those jugs justice. But anyway, maybe 24, nice bouncing action and form the side, though BIG, one could see that they sat up front pretty stiff for no support. Again, I was impressed and sad that I didn't have my recorder ha ha ha! I think the guys would have enjoyed the video. 

I don't know, but today, there were a few hot chicks in Bellflower. I just may have to relocate ha ha ha! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Solo Fitty Saturday

 Solo 50 miles on SART. 16.1 average speed. Nice ride, felt good and ran into Bad Bob. Saw a couple other friends as well. Good chat with Bad Bob who is actually Rob. Good guy, always something positive to say. Rode together for a bit.

I did ride down to the pier to get a few bikini images if I could. Nothing special but they were out. I was a bit early, around noon so I don't think they were out in full force yet. Not to mention, there was construction going on so that cut out a lot of the sights. 

I did get a couple pics with the cell phone that looked pretty nice without editing.

Just a video to waste some time ha ha ha!

I did put in the bikini footage because last time I did so, I got as mentioned, 1.4k views. If I use my face or image, maybe 30 or 40 ha ha ha! And yeah, also as mentioned, I bet the people who complain are also included in the viewers. Bunch of two face types. Of course, my faithful real followers who know I do it to entertain the troops.  Hadn't done any bikini pics or vids for a while but now with a stabilizer in my GoPro, figure I'd give it another try just to test it out and sure enough, still plenty of guys enjoying the material.

And to the bitches who complain, I bet your hubby is watching my stuff ha ha ha!

An image from Ron's Go Pro

And of course, dinner with Gina and her Mom after the ride. And of course, can't keep her away from the young guys. Great waiter and silly fun laughing at crazy things ha ha ha!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Cruise

 Sunday Cruise. 20 miles, warm but nice. Used this little Smallrig clamp thing to clip the cell camera on a fence for a pic. Cool thing, 20 bucks on ebay. Will work with the go pro recorder too. Live this little stuff. 😄

Not a whole lot going on but many more riders on the lower slopes. 81 when I started out and didn't seem to get much warmer than that till I finished the ride.

Then of course, a post ride meal with Gina at Red Slobster ha ha ha!

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mostly Solo 35 SGRT

 Started out solo but ran into Swanee, a member of the Challenged  Athlete Foundation. Rode together for a bit but then he dropped back. I think he would have been better off controlling his speed. He said riding with others he would do 17 and 18. Heck, I'm riding at 15 and 16 just riding and not racing anyone. Met at Encanto Park so he asked if he could ride back with me. Doing 15 ish but he went around and picked it up. OK, I rode with him but later, the wind hit and he started to struggle. So I took the front and kept it at 18. He didn't last long so I slowed once we hit the trail, after the SF Dam drop. He fell behind and couldn't catch up so I slowed even more.

Soon I was doing 13 as he was about 1/8 mile behind. I tried to wait and soft pedaled but after 5 miles or so, no way was he catching up. Maybe he got excited and blew his energy. Not sure why he was trying to show off, or whatever but it hurt him. I was willing to work with him at a decent pace but he picked it up then couldn't recover. 

Later I nearly stopped so he could catch up but he said he was exhausted and having a hard time. I tried to go as slow as possible but he was struggling too much so I had to go. If I held back too much, I'd struggle myself. Felt bad but hey, we didn't start together and I tried. I think he has to learn a little more about gauging his effort and partner. But, it was cool while it lasted. 

We are about the same age but he suffered an aneurysm at age 19 after being injured in a street fight. But it's great he's doing something rather than sitting home in a wheelchair like some might do. Good guy, good conversation though. Too bad he popped, would have been cool going the distance.

Nobody up on the upper section above Encanto Park. High of 96, average 91. A bit dry on the return.

Of course, dinner and dessert with Gina and her Mom after the ride.