Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mostly Solo 35 SGRT

 Started out solo but ran into Swanee, a member of the Challenged  Athlete Foundation. Rode together for a bit but then he dropped back. I think he would have been better off controlling his speed. He said riding with others he would do 17 and 18. Heck, I'm riding at 15 and 16 just riding and not racing anyone. Met at Encanto Park so he asked if he could ride back with me. Doing 15 ish but he went around and picked it up. OK, I rode with him but later, the wind hit and he started to struggle. So I took the front and kept it at 18. He didn't last long so I slowed once we hit the trail, after the SF Dam drop. He fell behind and couldn't catch up so I slowed even more.

Soon I was doing 13 as he was about 1/8 mile behind. I tried to wait and soft pedaled but after 5 miles or so, no way was he catching up. Maybe he got excited and blew his energy. Not sure why he was trying to show off, or whatever but it hurt him. I was willing to work with him at a decent pace but he picked it up then couldn't recover. 

Later I nearly stopped so he could catch up but he said he was exhausted and having a hard time. I tried to go as slow as possible but he was struggling too much so I had to go. If I held back too much, I'd struggle myself. Felt bad but hey, we didn't start together and I tried. I think he has to learn a little more about gauging his effort and partner. But, it was cool while it lasted. 

We are about the same age but he suffered an aneurysm at age 19 after being injured in a street fight. But it's great he's doing something rather than sitting home in a wheelchair like some might do. Good guy, good conversation though. Too bad he popped, would have been cool going the distance.

Nobody up on the upper section above Encanto Park. High of 96, average 91. A bit dry on the return.

Of course, dinner and dessert with Gina and her Mom after the ride.

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