Monday, September 2, 2024

No Ride Holiday

 So I woke up on Monday, the holiday and wanted to ride but didn't. Tough decision. Even lay in bed trying to decide. E sent a text to Eyemage asking if the upper section of SGRT was still passable at the construction area where all the signs are for the detour.  It was but my plan was soon overridden by my decision to pass on the ride and cut my hair. Heck, I save $40 doing my own hair and nobody's going to pay me to ride ha ha ha!

So I invited Gina and her Mom for breakfast at Denny's. Nacho appetizer and they had breakfast while I had a Bourbon Street burger, pretty good. You can tell who the fast eaters are by the pic ha ha ha. Their food is gone and I'm barely starting my burger. This was after cutting my hair in the morning as they went for groceries for the week.

Then Gina and I went to the mall just to chill out. Then to the store for my lunch meat, roasted chicken sliced at the deli. Last week was turkey. Been enjoying some fresh tasting sandwiches at lunch all last week. 

Then at home in the evening, pizza, chicken, Taco Bell, Del Taco, frickin' nothing sounded good so heck, went to sizzler. At least a small petite steak 6 oz and some rice with a one time soup visit at the salad bar. Gina had the same. Wanting to eat decent in order to feel good at work tomorrow.

But, as we were finishing up, the waitress came over and said, "I brought you a plate knowing how you like your dessert!". Great waitress but one that remembers I take care of our servers. Just Saturday, we ate at Casa Jimenez and every other visit, I give our server $20. so they treat me well, 3 servers know I'm willing to take care of them so they take care of me.

Did the same at Sizzluh and they know treating us well pays off ha ha ha! So I told her that she was too sweet and that Gina and I were just talking about how good of a waitress she was so she was pretty happy. I did boost up the tip again so we were all good.

It was funny last time, feeling she was a good waitress, I asked her if I tipped her $20, would she give me a plate then look the other way as I served myself at the shortcake bar. Right away she said, "Shoot, I ain't the salad bar police, heck yeah!". Ha ha ha, smart gal but really is an awesome waitress. I really appreciate her as she has taken care of us even when she wasn't our waitress. One time I asked our server for a refill on my raspberry iced tea. Our server said right away but never returned. Then the shift swap where they bring the next server and introduce them, do you need anything? Uhh yeah, a raspberry iced tea, right away sir.

That bastard never returned either then this gal just walking by asked if we needed anything not even being our server. Uhhh yeah, raspberry iced tea, I've asked the other two 3 times already but nothing.  RIGHT AWAY!! She took off and returned within a minute or two with my drink. Awesome! Love it when a server takes care of you even when they are assigned to your booth.

So even though no ride, I had an awesome day roaming the streets ha ha ha!

Next week, F it, not volunteering for OT, I'm planning a trip to Laughlin. Been paying bills, car repairs, bought a new dryer as ours went on the blink, so next week, it's all about getting away and fun!

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