Sunday, September 1, 2024

Solo Sunday is My Saturday

 Solo 41 miles after working 6 days. Have for last couple of weeks and this Sunday was my Saturday since I get Monday off as a holiday, I'll take it!

Not much going on and I did ride down to the pier but nothing there either. Figured the chicks would be out in bikinis for some video but not much, hmm! Oh well, I tried guys! So I just cruised back to my usual spot and did get on gal. Better than nothing ha ha ha!

So I did make a little boring video while I can. I will let them know at work that I'm taking next weekend and heading to Laughlin. I'll get a big fat check this week working both weekends so I might as well enjoy it ha ha ha!

Did ride then to Sizzluh with the gals.

I did agree to work Saturday, holiday weekend but there was a serious skeleton crew, about 8 of us in the entire building. But we did have a picnic on Friday which is cool of the company. The Habit and ice cream truck and giving out a lot of money for the people who played the games. Dart balloons, bean bag toss type of stuff.

Stuff we make for nuclear power plants

Empty shop at work on Saturday. Didn't realize I'd be one of the only few. Oh well, Mo' Money !!!

I work in the QC lab thank goodness!

Yeah, that ice cream truck is blowing bubbles ha ha ha!

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