Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wow, No Bike Going on 3 WEEKS

Well, been so busy working weekends that I haven't been on the bike going on 3 weeks now. Sad but no problem. I've been earning a sheotload of money though ha ha ha! Did go to Laughlin for a weekend and had some fun. Had a 4 day weekend but returning to work and doing Saturday, no chance to ride. Did wake up on Sunday at 7 am to ride but it was totally wet and feeling tired from a long week at work, not that I work hard, maybe just getting up everyday at 4 am for work, the lack of sleep seems to catch up to me on the weekends. Don't really like working Saturdays but after seeing my check with 2 Saturdays on it, dayummmm! Starting to like having the money knowing I can buy whatever the heck I like is a good thought. But of course, I don't long for anything so buying little stuff on ebay for my go pro is fun. New screws, wrenches, mounts, cases, whatever it is, the little $10 things tickle me ha ha ha!

But we have been going out having a good time at the restaurants.  From Black Angus to Red Robin for Fondu Date Night is fun ha ha ha!

Not fond of Saturdays but somebody's gotta take the easy money ha ha ha! And enjoying my St. Jude t shirts.

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