Saturday, October 29, 2022

Solo SART 🌮

 A nice smooth 46 mile ride at 15.6 average speed.  Hadn't been to SART in a while so I just about missed my off ramp of the freeway ha ha ha.  

Bit breezy but nice.  The reason I did SART this time was that Jose sent a text saying he was visiting California and wanted to know if I wanted to meet for tacos. Sure!

So on the return,  I stopped to eat with him. He treated though I offered several times seeing he had done the traveling.  But hey, always taste better when it's free 😋 

So a nice ride.  Some dude was at the coast,  pictured,  who was on the phone with some techy sounding person trying to help him get his setup back on track. 

I overheard for a bit then heard something about a possible dead battery in his cadence sensor. 

Realized that was the problem so I approached letting him know I had an extra CR2032 in my seat bag.  He offered to pay me for it but I think I was just happy knowing I could make his day. 

I  carry an extra for my speed sensor and have about 5 or 6 more spares at home since I buy a bigger pack seeing it's more cost effective. 

Oh yeah,  I do enjoy having Gina make me eggs 🥚 in the morning before a ride.  Not sure if it's the eggs I like or just having a chance to look at her bubble but. 😄

Ah yes, and my employer has an outfit that comes in once a week offering us covid tests. I can get tested once per week no change. Figured I'd get tested this week just for the peace of mind.  NEGATIVE 👍


  1. Beanz you are fast !! 25MPH avg damn fast. I was in LA a few weeks ago . I just ran up Griffith Park a few times , did not ride my bike.

    Would have liked to ask to ride with you . But I'm not that fast yet LOL.
    Perhaps next Spring I will be back strong like I was in the 90's.

    My best ,

    1. Ha ha ha thanks for pointing out the typo! 😄 I hope someday I'll back to strong like I was in the 90s but I doubt it ha ha ha 😂
