Saturday, October 15, 2022


 Solo 40 miles on San Gabe.  Cold and wet. The trail was wet but not raining. Not many out so I could use both sides trying to stay on a narrow dry line.  But a very very slight drizzle for a couple minutes here and there so no biggie. 

At the top I ran into a guy I had met before couple weeks back. Really cool guy Salvador.  We chatted about bikes, cycling and non cycling. We had some laughs.  😆

He mentioned riding up to Camp Williams last week and having his legs freeze up so bad that he couldn't stop 😄 He asked me if I'd like to try it with him as he'd like to make it up to Crystal Lake someday. I haven't done that in a while do why not?

I've been thinking about getting some climbing in again as it's been a while. This is my chance.  He's a couple years older so we agree on a lot of things, like riding together and not making a race out of it. . Hoping it goes well when we get it together. 

I have to say   this is the opposite side of hard work  too much easy work. Heck, I'm getting spoiled already.  I was in the sun, the heat  steal toes, on my feet all day.  Getting tired and feeling it on the bike at the end of the week.  But yet feeling strong. 

I noticed on Thursday,  sitting at the CMM measuring parts, I had been sitting for a long while when I stood up and felt my legs tired. Are you kidding me? 😄

Yeah,  legs getting tired from sitting. 🤣 I had to get up and do some laps around the metrology lab. Just realized I wasn't going to be getting the exercise like I was so I'm thinking I'll have to change my diet. 

With a physical job  I could eat what I want and still trim up. With this job, nice and cozy but I better watch it. 😁

Well.. I rode and Gina tagged along for the post ride meal 😋 

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