Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday SART

44 miles solo today at 17.3 average. Ran into Mark and Gail at the coast. Ron and Dixie were a bit late to start. And I thought I was late ha ha! I was about half done and on my return when I ran across them the first time. Had a chat with Mark and Gail at the coast but had to head home so I only took a short break. We didn't think Ron & Dixie would go to the coast with the wind today so I left. If I had know I would have waited a couple more minutes as I saw them about 4 miles down the road. Yes, they can do 4 miles in a couple minutes on their tandem! :-P

Got a couple of images. I might make a little Ron and and Dixie video of our passing  later ha ha! I got about 3 clips on the video today and those 2 are probably the only ones worth looking at ha ha!

I was alone so I had to take my own picture on the ride ha ha!

OK check out this strange little video of Ron & Dixie passing and the dude in funky socks ha ha!

Mark looking at his average, "you better pick it up Gail!". :-P

OK WTH ??? Ha ha ha! I once had a guy make fun of my plain green jersey saying it was psychedelic. These socks and outfit on this guy I was passing on the trail. :-O

A picture from Mark's cell cam!

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