Thursday, June 3, 2021

Solo Night Overstuffed Sausage Tour

 Another 23 miles solo tonight. 14.9 average speed trying to take it easy after pulling a muscle in my back couple days ago. Did catch up to Creepy Erik's group. I see there was only one chick riding with them today. I'm guessing the chicks are getting creeped out by the guys on the ride. I mean I love women and appreciate a good view but when some dude creeps me out? You know it is creepy ha ha ha!

Nice eve for a bike ride though. I did leave about 15 minutes after the group so I figure I'd be pretty well behind taking it easy. But I caught them at the Foothill turn. I saw them so I pulled over and let them roll away. Figuring they all like to race downhill along Badillo. So I stopped for a bit but then later caught them again and stopped a second time to let them pull away. Then a third. We hit the Mountain Ave climb and seeing Creepy Erik, I knew I would have to pass him on the gradual climb and I really didn't want to interact with any of the creepy guys I saw today. I say creepy because like the overstuffed sausage Creepy Erik, it really turns my stomach to see the creepy guys hugging on the women and trying to hook up. Pretty sickening if you ask me. And I am the guy who can appreciated a woman's body and even sneak in a pic or two. But these guys are sickening. Placing their arms around the women when they can. OK, if you actually had some game or some kind of appeal, it would be cool. But the weird MOFO's make me sick looking at them. Watching some gals pull away when the creepy guys hug on them. Heck, I don't even hug on Gina that much when we ride. Of course I am not desperate to hook up. I dunno, just really creepy to me, and I'm Mr. Beanz ha ha ha!

So I rolled up on them a few times. Looked really slow and a boring ride, from what I saw anyway. But it was sad to me, there was a guy that kept getting left behind. Looked rather new but  made me think. If this had been a chick, Creepy Erik and the other few guys that creep me out, probably the chicks too, would have held back for them. But they left this guy far behind, about 10 minutes. If it had been a chick, the creepy guys would have offered to pedal her freaking bike for her ha ha. Maybe a back massage. But it was a dude so they were more than happy to leave him behind. I saw about 4 guys today that creep me out. Only one chick though so they all looked pretty bored ha ha ha! No ass to kiss!

Ran up on the group again. Pulled over to let them roll away. A slow and boring looking group today.

But I still enjoy my rides.

I had to stop once we  hit the climb because overstuff sausage Erik  is a slow climber and having caught him on the flats, again, I knew I better take a break so he could pull away. I had no desire to see his creepy face or hear his dopey voice.

Poor guy! The group left him about 10 minutes behind. If he had been a chick, their would have been at least 4 creepy fuckers all over here.  Even the dog was looking at me thinking, WTF Mr. Beanz!! Leaving the poor guy behind.

Let slow Erik pull away so I better take a photo break.

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