Sunday, May 5, 2024

Solo Sunday Old Fart (never underestimate an old man on a bike)

 Solo 20 today.  Short easy ride after yesterday.  Got a few comments and likes on my Old Fart jersey today. 😁 Powered again by Fajitas again last night. 😋 Nice skies today. No touch up on colors. ⛅️ Liking my new saddle,  $35. My Terry saddle was $180 and I just can't enjoy it.  I think their quality has gone down over the last 20 years.  And the price,  UP !!!🤣😂🤣

Funny thing,  couple of young dudes rolled by while I was getting started.  One guy said, Old Fart, I like that! 😄

They pulled away while I was spinning up my legs. Then I stopped about 5 miles in to tilt my saddle a hair. Thought they were long gone but saw they had stopped ahead. They were out of sight at the time so I had no idea they were within reach. 

I picked up the pace seeing they were just up ahead restarting.  But they pulled away again,  somewhat.  Then I noticed one guy kept falling behind the other.  So he'd take the other guy's wheel and pull away again.  

Then the upper section where it steps up like stairs.  I noticed the guy falling behind on the short inclines. Seems he started hurting.  

Then I started closing the gap on them with every short incline. They would see me gaining then step on it again.  I knew they were putting in some effort. 

THEN!!! I started gaining again so they really gave a hard push. From 150 yards to about 40 now, they push up a little climb when one jumps off his bike. 

I had been pushing pretty good but also conserving at the same time knowing that a rider might or might not fade.  If we get to the top of the trail,  I'll be close behind but if he fades, I still have some in the tank to smash him. 😄

Sure enough,  the dude ha to stop. I saw it in his face as I rolled by.  Maybe tired, maybe a cramp? But I rolled by ready to smile and greet but he looked at me quickly then turned his face.  Not so friendly this time like when he passed me 5 miles ago.  

Having a couple miles to the too, once I rolled by,  I  started to hammer.  As earlier,  if he takes the other guy's wheel again,  they can gain some ground.  So I made sure they wouldn't catch me,  I went all out the last couple on the incline. 

Sure enough when I got to the top, I could see them sucking wheel.  Pretty sure they were trying to catch the Old Fart again  but nah, didn't happen! 😆😆😄

Then I pigged out at Lucille's after the ride.  Hey, I earned it.

Digging the Charge Spoon saddle,  $35 vs the $180 for the Terry of which I can't get comfy after a year. 

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