Saturday, May 18, 2024

Solo Saturday SART

 Rough 46 miles today and of course, my GPS ripped me off. Breezy and tough. But only registered 42.5 on the ride. Strange that I was riding at 15-16 with an average of 14.1 but my average kept dropping down to 13.6, wow!

Thank goodness for distance correction on Strava and Garmin. 46.6 miles at 15.7 average speed.

I did see Al so stopped for a chat. Saw Poli but didn't have my recorder on as he and a bud rolled by pretty fast heading the opposite way. Thought I'd ride this trail hoping to run into Ron and Dixie but they didn't ride the trail today.

But a good tough ride, builds character. I guess ha ha ha! Did put on a new tire after last week but sure didn't feel like it ha ha ha! No speed gains there ha ha ha!

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