Sunday, May 12, 2024

Laughlin Weekend, No Ride

 Yeah, no ride! Gin'as Mom's birthday is on Mother's Day so we took her on a little road trip for the weekend. And $300 slot machine money. Damn, could have bought something for my bike with that, why do I feel so nice sometimes? ha ha ha! But she's a good lady, so it's all good!

Gave us a chance to eat at Casa Serrano. Really good inexpensive place at the Riverside Hotel. Wish it was close to home.

But anyway, fun little road trip so far and I did order a little nozzle for my CO2, so I got my money out of the deal ha ha ha! And a donut!

Not bad for cell phone pics. Didn't feel like carrying my camera case around this time!

Almost home,  Steer N Stein in Rancho. Another breakfast at Casa Serrano before leaving Laughlin 

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