Sunday, May 19, 2024

Solo Sunday Fat Bastard

 Another 20 miles on Sunday. Still having an issue with my Bryton GPS. I'm guessing that my speed sensor battery is dying. The correction feature on Strava and Garmin work so I'm guessing the satellite function is working. Getting tired of replacing batteries anyway so I figure I'll just remove the sensor and go with the satellites to see if it solves the issue. 

But anyway, a good ride from Pico to Downey and back. But pretty demoralizing when you're pushing hard with an average of 13 something, doing 18 with a tailwind then see your average drop. Hmmm, after 2 rides, I'm guessing a funk that goes along with a failing battery. We'll see!

But always good to be on the bike. Feeling good on the new saddle and today, dropped it a few MM's and what a difference it can make.  Felt good already but just that much better now. Sometimes, one has to take a little chance changing the setup to see if it works, it did and I like it!

And of course, dinner with Gina then a visit to the mall to reap the rewards ha ha ha!


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