Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I'd Treat a Person First

 I'd rather be kind to a human. Gina was supposed to help me wash my truck but found a way out of it so I went myself. Car wash next to a busy burger place and not so busy at this point so I stopped in to taste a burger. Was ok but nothing great, lots of fries. 

     While I was ordering, a homeless lady tried to pour a cup of coffee but the cashier, owner's wife yelled at her so she left quickly. I ate outside noticing the lady hanging out collecting recyclables. I had 8 quarters so I said Yo, need some quarters? She said ok, grabbed them then said,"Santa will be good to you this year!".😄

      So then I offered her fries and she accepted seeing I had a ton left. So she took the bag then cleaned up my trash too. Wow! So I asked why he was homeless. We chatted then later spoke of alcoholism.   

   I told her I thought it was sad with today's society. People will through food to a stray dog but won't feed another human. We chatted and though she was hard to understand, we had a good conversation. Looking into her focused eyes, I saw the person, not the monster people would expect. 

     Then I offered her another dollar I had, she just smiled. We chatted more then I asked if she would pose for a pic with me. She said ok. Then she said she had to go. 

    OK but first, let me pay you for the pic. She tried to refuse but I said I wanted to pay her for her time. So I gave her a $10 bill that I won't miss anytime soon. I think God will somehow repay me anyway.

   Funny because for my birthday, Gina was offering expensive gifts. I liked them but don't need them. This kind of a gift somehow means more to me. 

      I know a couple of wonderful people who have helped me in times of need so being one of them is a gift in itself. Even if it's a little something to me that could mean the world to them. She got THE POSE down ha ha ha!

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