Sunday, May 26, 2024

Beanz Birthday Ride

 Mostly solo 61 miles. I really am an old fart now ha ha ha! 15.4 average speed, not bad for the wind conditions. Read on the net expected 20 mph gusts. Hoping it wouldn't be true, not sure if it was, but it was windy as seen in the trees, video. I actually thought about turning back wondering if it was really worth it but yeah, told myself I wasn't going to wimp out ha ha ha!

Did see MTBLurker for the first time in years. Still riding some it seems but not like before. I guess we're all in the same boat nowadays.  Then Ron and Dixie appeared at the coast so we chatted a bit then headed back together. They lifted the pace more than I would have alone but it helped having someone to work with on the return, final 15 miles or so. Always good to see them.

So I got my 61 miles in, that's what matters.

Good thing is that I disconnected my speed sensor and the satellite function seems to work much better. Who knows, maybe the XOSS sensor being inexpensive is getting worn. Not a problem because I'm actually getting tired of replacing batteries every three months or so. Just glad my GPS is fine.

Of course dinner with Gina on Friday which was my actual birthday, at Spaghetti Factory.

 And a cool little laptop cooling table that Gina got me for my birthday. Perfect for keeping my laptop cool while making the videos. Works nicely, good idea Gina!

Video still images

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