Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Solo Night Ride Up Wheeler & Bonita

 Nice 22 miler, 1100 ft gain. Another warm day but beautiful night. I started a little later and prefer it.  When I ride with others, they prefer 6:30 and a little daylight but I myself would rather start about 7. A little darker, the sun is almost down, enough light to see the first section but dark enough to know that my lights are visible to drivers.

Though I started a bit later, it was pretty warm. Heck, the GMR day we rode was an average of 82 but last night, though mostly in the dark, the average temp was still 85. That is warm for a night ride. A  high of 91. :-O

But a really nice ride. Strange thing, the ball of my foot got sore over the weekend. Felt tight and restless. I felt it on the Saturday ride then after Sunday, even my ankle got a bit tight. Maybe from trying to baby it, I don't know. Only thing I can figure is that I often walk around home on marble floors barefooted. Maybe it caught up with me. On Sunday, the trail ride, I felt that tight point right on my pedal (SPD). I remembered people talking about hot spots but never experienced that so I am not sure. But I did start wearing my sandals, pretty well cushioned around home and it seems to have gotten better.

So last night's ride was just an easy cruise without too much climbing and stress on the foot to make sure it doesn't fall off on a ride ha ha ha! It didn't and actually felt better. Still a bit tender, I know it's there but not uncomfortable like it was the day before. I'm the guy who doesn't take medications or drugs but this time, I took a couple of Advil just because it was so annoying. I haven't taken any meds in about 5 years for anything so I feel kind of guilty popping some Advil. I rarely take anything unless it's something serious. Heck, not even after root canals but this was too annoying ha ha ha! I feel like such a druggy ha ha ha!

But a beautiful night. Amazing but that 30 minutes made a big difference in traffic as well. On Wheeler, maybe 4 cars passed me. On Walnut, 1 car. On Bonita, maybe 10 cars. So I really enjoyed it and felt safe tonight.

So overall, a great night and a great ride. Nice to just take your time, do  your own pace and just get in a nice easy cruise on the bike.

                                                         7 PM, almost dark but nice

Nice looking scene overlooking San Dimas Cyn

Big moon and low. I stopped to take a pic but before I could get my camera out, a lady stopped, got out of her car and snapped a pic too. Then 1/8 mile down the road, 2 more ladies in front of their houses taking pics. Not sure if there was some kind of special moon tonight.

Still digging this XOSS GPS unit and the auto night light. As you can see my dark Garmin to the left on my stem. Nice and dark, can't see squat ha ha ha!

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