Friday, September 2, 2022

Metrology Inspector Back On Top World!!!

Yeah Baby! I did enjoy my job  paid to exercise,  nice tan, lost weight,  cash rewards from my boss,  but Gina was encouraging me to look into other things. Maybe return to quality inspection like I was doing before I put in for my retirement. 

So I took this hard labor job as it was day shift and I want a life with Gina after working nights for 12 or 13 years.  Then I actually enjoyed it so I've stayed a little longer than I thought,  maybe not. I thought 6 months to get back on the workforce. 

But even my mother in law was telling me that I work way too hard for my money.  Last couple weeks I started thinking about it and maybe they are right. I'm a strong dude but why am I killing myself? I  did get a raise about 2 weeks ago and started thinking,  I can stay and sweat my life away,  or take a chance with nothing to lose. 

So I just answered a couple of ads but didn't expect too much. But HEY, I get an email saying the company is impressed with my resume.  So I responded and I get an online interview.  I'm older so I told them I wanted an in person interview. I'm older and cams can make people look ugly and I didn't want them to think I was camera ugly or using a cane to walk or something. I'm a young old ha ha ha. 

I guess it worked.  In person they asked me to explain my QC background.  I went into detail over years and a wide range of fields,  metal   plastic   aerospace,  weapons,  etc. At the end   the lady was asked if she had any questions for me.  She said she had a page full but I answered them all with my presentation ha ha ha. 

Next thing I know,  I get a call asking about shits. They have a strange schedule,  almost 4 tens. One day shift late in the week and one night shift.  I  told them I prefer day shift but if the money is right   my required salary,  I had nothing to lose having a job already.  We chat a bit then the rep says she has to present it to the team. 

A day goes by and I get another call.  They shoot me an offer and exactly the amount I asked for, more than I have ever made in my life,  and they offered it! 

So I go in and mention that they said it was day shift but not whether it was early or late week day shift.  The HR lady says,  that's the thing,  you get different and special hours from the others as you have been upgraded to a  METROLOGY INSPECTOR  vs the in process and floor inspectors of which I applied.  

Amazing   I didn't even have my resume portfolio of some work I've done putting together parts checklist machining sheets as they were in storage. But hey, I guess my mouth did the job this time. 

But anyway,  upgraded position, special hours different from the rest  being Monday thru  Friday 7 to 3:30. I  guess my comments about wanting to spend time with my wife got to them. 

But anyway,  all that, more vacation   better benefits,  air conditioned QC lab , hours, and........24%increase in pay rate!!!!

Wow   the medical field manufacturing business pays. Small plastic parts vs steel in the sun? No Brainer.

Did I already mention 24% increase in pay? 😄

So anyway   people have tried to stomp on me, crush me  but The Beanz don't fold that easily!

I got a great wife, mother in law who believes and encourages me   and a good friend who knows you can't beat down The Beanz! 

Great people in my life around me right now   feeling strong and happy AF right now, thanks to those people. 

I myself find it surprising but when you take a chance knowing your stuff,  things go well. 

BTW, the HR lady said I communicate well and they need a good English speaking person in that role. I'll take it! Seems plenty of jobs want Spanish and Chinese speaking right now.  So finding an English job? Wow, I'm good with it!

I'm BACK on top of the WORLD!! You can't keep me down!!!😄


Ok, little celebration at Lucilles for dinner. 😋

From this 

To this. This is the production area  I'll be in a lab. 


  1. Fred , it’s Rob aka Bad Bob. Congrats bro ! Awesome news, no more yard dog bs….

    1. Thanks Rob. 👍 Yeah, I did what I had to do to get back into the work force after being derailed. But I'm back where I should be and a little step above. Fun while it lasted but got to think of the future.
