Saturday, October 9, 2021

 60 solo miles at 16.7 average speed today. Late start and boy it was windy. The trail and Pacific Coast Hwy to Seal Beach and back. The beach was closed and empty but ran into a few buddies.

Ran into Ron and Dixie on their tandem. First time in 2 years they've been out here since his crash and injuries. I know myself how much is involved handling a tandem using neck and back muscles. I left a few seconds after they did heading back for the last 14 mile stretch. Then I went around after catching them. They took my wheel for a bit. I was feeling good and doing a good pace but they dropped off. But I was still rolling pretty good but then, BAM! CRAMP! I had to pull over with a hammy cramp. Then they rolled by and Ron said, "you'll catch us!". Usually the cramp goes away after standing for a minute or two. This one wasn't going away so I had to dismount and walk it off. All while watching them roll away ha ha ha! I never did catch them. They still got some speed for not being on the tandem for so long.

I will say that lately, I have been liking the thought of riding alone. At times I have been riding with a couple of buddies but one has a pissing game with the other so when this guy gets in the front, he intentionally goes slow to irritate the other. Then the other attacks the other guy after his turn at the front. Gets frustrating just wanting to go out for a ride.

Then another person. Wanting me to come up with courses, so I do. Then they say they're too busy to look at it. WTH! And all the drama that goes on with them. Never being ready on time, showing up unprepared and causing me to lose almost an hour at the start of our ride. Having to help others prep their equipment, wait, this ain't my responsibility. Show up prepared or forget about it. Once maybe but most times, always some kind of excuse. Especially while I take the time to alter my plans, ride time, courses, starting points. Sometimes I don't see Gina after work because I'm trying to accommodate someone else then they screw it up after they called the time etc. One instance, my ride partner changed ride plans 4 times within 3 days before the ride. WTH! I just said forget it and went on my own ride. Not worth the hassle and frustration.

So yesterday was nice. I just got on my bike and rode. I would stop for 5 minutes when I needed then a longer break at the beach stop as usual. As I was about ready to go, more and more friends started showing up and hadn't seen some of them in a long time so that ended up taking a bit longer. But the ride overall was pretty steady other than the long visit.

Nice sky

Empty close beach

Ran into Fazi and Darius doing their Ganstay pose ha ha ha!

The guys were doing 70+

Pretty good chatting with Jordan, been a while.

Ron and Dixie

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