Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pico to Seal Beach with Tony Tour

 40 miles 17.1 average with Tony.  Pico Rivera golf course to Seal Beach and back. Tony doing really well and looking strong today. I was looking at his arms at the beach while chatting thinking he looked a little more tone. Then later he told me of his new routine working out with a trainer. Hmm, I thought something looked different and he rode well. I guess it's paying off.

Did get a bit warm on the return so we stopped at Wilderness Park to cool off a bit. Luckily there was a flavored ice guy there. Tony had a strawberry milk type while I had a bubble gum blue ice. As you can tell later in the video when I stick out my tongue. I had no idea till I watched the clip where I stick out my tongue ha ha ha!

As I always say, the biggest threat to me is the other cyclists around me. Very strange today, saw a few tri people who could not handle their bikes. Not sure what team that is but they had similar jerseys so I'm thinking they're from the same organization. OK, being honest here, they suck ha ha ha!

As we were passing the tri gal, Tony rolled by with a shout. NO problem but immediately after as I was passing, she swerved left and just about made contact. Another 3 inches and we both would have gone down. Watching her later, I could see she sucked.

Not to mention, after she almost hit me, she hopped on the back till she rested then she sprinted around. Even the chicks are a holes too ha ha ha! So after she did that, of course I'm going to catch her after I see her fade a bit. She did so I did. Then she went around on the bridge but soon after, Tony took the front and easily ran her down dropping her like a bad habit. Yeah, one can tell when another riders tries to make a run for it. Pretty silly knowing the others caught you from a mile behind. Impressive effort but sorry, you just don't got it ha ha ha! Hopefully she learns how to handle her bike a little better.

  Tony took a pic of my leg saying he could tell my legs 🦵 were really working.  Felt great.

                                                                  The youtube video.

Tony told me after the ride that he took a pic of my calves because he said they looked as if he knew I was working them hard. Hmm, look almost deformed ha ha ha!

Then the after ride fajitas with Gina. And chile relleno. A trip to the mall to chill out and get our Green Crush on. Watermelon is our favorite.

Sunday, no ride. I needed time to do another homemade haircut. Too hot later in the day so I did it in the morn. Nice though, being able to spend time with Gina.  Lunch at our favorite pizza place, great salad.

Then to the malls to hang out. First Montclair where we saw some chick in a thong. We see so many chicks in daisy dukes showing azz cheek which I don't mind, but at the mall? Wow, times have changed.  But today was the icing on the cake, well  not in a good way if you ask me. And you know I admire the female anatomy but too much at the mall. Kids around, and going into a kids store, TOO MUCH !!!

But a great day with Gina and a 3 day work week coming up. 4 days of for the 4th so I'll be getting in a long ride one of them days fo sho !!!

Ahhh, the tops was a nice cold smoothie from Juice it Up !!!

                                                                  Some TC photography

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Really Hot Sunday

 Solo 20 miles on a hot Sunday. Slept in late having stayed up to 1 am. Out of bed at 9 am then deciding to ride or not. Yeah or I'd feel like I wasted the day. So I was OK for the first 3 or 4 miles till I crossed paths with Eyemage again. Just a quick shot as we passed in opposite directions. The further I went North up the trail, didn't seem to bother much till Eyemage sent a text. An image of his Garmin reading 104 degrees. OK!

I looked at mine and it was only 99.  I took a pic  but right after, up to 100. Few miles later, 102,, then 1o4 at the top. Well darn, I might have to start looking at the forecast before I ride ha ha ha! Nah, I'd ride anyway just to be on my bike. A weekend day with no bike is a waste of a day. Need to ride. But yeah, 104 max and I felt it on the return. Especially getting windy AF again.

But I survived. Funny as I was riding up the trail, I started feeling the heat and started wondering if it was worth it. Then on my earbuds, Walk Like A Man by the 4 Seasons listening to 60's music. I started thinking that I'd have to Ride Like A Man, harden up and just get the job done. I know plenty of forum members who stay inside unless the temps are between 65 and 75 degrees ha ha ha! More on that later, meeting a new friend.

I went up the trail and saw like 4 guys. I went down the trail and saw like 4 guys. One of them being the same guy. More on that later. Not many riders out at all. Makes you proud to know you got the huevos to get the job done not just staying home in the AC crying like a little beotch about the heat ha ha ha!

So after the ride, I rack up my bike as some dude rolls by and waves. Same dude I saw twice already on the trail. So he goes up to the golf course water fountain and fills his bottle. Then rolls back by as I am about done. I notice he has only one water bottle, a small one. Oh, he can't have possibly had enough fluids for the riding he was doing seeing I saw him twice already.

As he is rolling by, I ask if he has electrolytes. He says he's drinking water. Well here dude, take my extra packet of Liquid IV. New flavor, Bomb Pop Popsicle flavor. I told him I always have spares and this was brand new. So he says he has only the return stretch home. I think 10 miles maybe.  So he says ok then opens it up and pours it in his bottle. Then he says, wow, good flavor.

We chat a bit then I explain about posting on the net and not being on forums any longer. Actually banned. He says he used to post on forums but had a hard time because 99% of the stuff he read was bullshit! Ha ha ha, that's me, can't get along with the bullshitters and get banned for calling them out. Remember one guy that went from an oxygen tank to claiming to have done a solo 5 hour century within a few months. Oh bullshit! Dude was full of it! A few others as well that claimed to be super studs.  Of which I happened to kick the sheot out of them on century rides. One guy completing RAM several times, along with another member claiming to do 5 hour centuries. Actually called me out on the forums only to meet and make them look silly. Million dollar bikes while I rode my 1998 Cannondale CAD3 that they had criticized previously. I guess they had no idea doing 5:45 solo centuries took more effort than doing 5 hour centuries drafting in a group of 20 guys ha ha ha!

So we laughed and chatted about these idiots and I listened to his reasons for riding alone. Pretty much same as mine. Riding solo fighting wind builds character. Yeah, I ride for fun but get called out once in a while which is usually settled with a little training and friendly competition leaving them looking like a fool. He pretty much has the same stories so we both had some laughs.

It was cool meeting another person who thinks like I do, forum members are pretty much full of crap most of the time. Yeah, I've met a few that are awesome riders but for the most part, forum posters are a bunch of cry baby beotches ha ha ha!

 The new flavor. I was worried it might be too sweet but turns out to be pretty good. Gina went back on Sunday to get me another bag.  Two bags on Saturday, Bomb Pop and a lemon lime/peach. Never been a fan of peach but the electrolytes are never too flavorful so I think I can handle it. But my new friend got the good stuff ha ha ha!

My face after 2 enjoyable miles.

My face after Eyemage sent the text with the 104 temperature image.

I'm guessing Irwindale used to be mostly desertscape.


Of course, post ride fajitas with Gina.

Pretty cool later in the evening. The company Gina works for contracts with SpaceX making parts for their rockets etc. Tonight, caught a glimpse of a Falcon that was launched. 

A later evening snack at McD's. Don't go there often so I was surprised to see they served our food in a bra. C cup I think ha ha ha!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

SART 46 with Joaquin for 20

 46 miles today at 16.5 average speed. Joaquin asked to ride along inland as we ran into one another at the start, train station. Then Paul rode up finishing his ride so we got to chat again. Another windy ride and getting the Windslayer go pro foam cover thing, I tried it out to see the wind block results. Seemed to work well with the sound but a sloppy fit. I'd pull it out of my jersey pocket and the foam would shift all around. I guess it would work much better on a handle bar mount. We'll see!

So heading inland with Joaquin, kind of thought it might be a mistake as he likes to lift the pace with his usual 20. But he held it down some saying he hasn't ridden much lately. Good because it's tough doing the first half hard in my case as I warm up into my rides. I did feel a little suffering after he turned off and i hit the more windy sections closer to the coast. But always good to see Joaquin, he's a good guy.

A chat with Paul at the start. As always he's finishing his ride when I'm getting ready to start. Some day maybe he'll explain the process of getting out of bed early to ride as I'm not understanding the idea of that right now ha ha ha! As well, Paul always a pleasure to meet up. Always good chat and at least a laugh or two.

Did stop near the coast for a bit for a rest while riding into the wind. Did see a few riders going back so I recorded them passing. Seems most were tickled being recorded ha ha ha!

And of course, always having fun with my little stuff. New duffel bag, Windslayer, and whatever else I can get on sale ha ha ha! And the perfect chainring tat on my leg. Too much lube maybe ?!

The perfect woman. Get home and she brought me a couple more bags of electrolytes ha ha ha!

                                                 A couple of pics taken with the Go Pro

Monday, June 17, 2024

Wow with the Stats

 I'm the guy nobody likes, maybe one or two people ha ha ha! But looking at my blog stats and youtube stats, somebody 's watching me ha ha ha!

Thousands and thousands in other countries listed on my stats, all over the world which is actually shocking to me. I mean, who cares about Mr. Beanz?!

Well, I did see a comment the other day snooping around on a forum of which "I" chose to abandon no matter what that dumb ass Squarewheels says trying to impress his members.  For those who didn't see the post before SW removed it, I told him to go F himself after I had donated money to support his site when he immediately took it upon himself to insult me and a couple of other faithful posters. He continues to claim he banned me. Well he did only after I asked him to while telling him to go F himself as mentioned. 

THEN !!!!! The dumbass claims that he reported my blog and had a post removed. One of which I removed myself feeling sorry for the prick till I saw his pathetic comments.  Of course I reposted another insulting post on my blog just to show the idiot that he can't control my post. Got it, IDIOT?!

So anyway, I did see a comment by ChrisL that says something about Mr. Beanz being one of the most talked about cyclists. I think so but not that I ever planned it. I'm just a guy who liked posting pics attracting several cyclists who didn't mind viewing their images on the net or even wanted action cycling pics seeing they had never had any. Then later I tried videos and attracted a few more bike friends.

No matter the obnoxious idiots who say stupid things like I show my pics and vids to show how tough I am and how awesome I am on the bike, total stupidity! Especially those morons like Dennis whatever the F his handle is who thinks he knows me from a stupid forum where he pretends to know everything.  But doesn't know sheot, really.

Pretty sure most of the people I have met on the bike would agree that I'm a rather friendly guy who gets along with most. Except the arrogant idiots who present themselves. Being someone who goes out of my way to be nice to people, I have a really low tolerance for ass holes. We can be good friends if you're cool but if you play the obnoxious a hole, stay the hell out of my way ha ha ha!

I myself am surprised that so many would view my blog, or even give a thought to viewing it as it is primarily a diary of my rides.  Good, bad, short, long, even the most meaningless rides are posted here. So the view count and audience shocks me but hey, I'll take it ha ha ha!

And BTW, I have to give a little shout out to Chris for the mention ha ha ha! And yes, the Rock Bros lights are awesome and a recommendation from Chris when I was on the forums doing SW a favor by attracting views for his site. Really now, look at his ride report section, it really fucking sucks ha ha ha!

Yeah, thanks for the light tip Chris, I am loving them much more than my more expensive lights. Matter of fact, several of their items. Gloves, lights, seat bags, glasses, so much I can't even think of them right now.

So this guy, you either love him or hate him but somebody's watching me ha ha ha!

All these views on my blog and my youtube. I expected about 10 views total when I started this stuff ha ha ha!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

SGRT 20 & Meeting Sung-ho ...........& Eyemage

Just a Father's Day easy 20. Ran across a really nice lady, Sung-ho. Had a good chat with Sung-ho at the park in Downey. Then ran across Eyemage on the way back. So I turned around and chased him down. Said he had a low tire. Kind of funny, the guy rides a $20,000 Pinarello but can't afford decent tires. Ran into him a couple weeks ago at the SF dam and he had just repaired a flat as well. I looked at the label on his tires and I believe it said El Monarcha tires ha ha ha!

Anyway, another good ride and video.

An image from Saturday's ride.

Ran across Eyemage and finally recognized him out there on the trail. Missed him a few times already and he wonders why. Not to be racist but where I park, there are like 50 Chinese people on bikes all with masks arriving and heading out on bikes. So when I see Eyemage out on the trail, a Chinese guy with a mask, glasses and all covered up, how am I supposed to recognize him? I actually have to look for a Chinese guy with a half flat tire ha ha ha, that's him! :-P

Gina did take me out for dinner on Father's day.  She said, " I want to take you out because,  YOU'RE MY DADDY!". 

OK, maybe she didn't say that,  but she took me out ha ha ha. 😆