Sunday, June 16, 2024

Solo Lucky Dime Tour

 Another 40 miles on the SGRT trail. Pretty hot, 100 max, 84 low with an average of 90 degrees. I can feel the heat in my bones when I'm riding. I guess it's the start of Summer as mentioned so figure it'll take a bit to get used to it. The old age I guess ha ha ha! 

Did try a different setting on the GP10. Meh,  down to 60 frames per second as a suggestion from a youtuber. It sucks if you ask me. The dpi or pixels are more noticeable in the sky shots. I'm going back to 120. The stabilizer works well. I could see the camera rattling around on the mount and worried about it but when I got home. the footage is rock steady, great!

I was shooting my final thoughts on the recorder after the ride when I saw some foul mouth guys talking leaving a round of golf. Two golf carts out in the lot, not sure if that's allowed but they bid farewell to a friend when he backed up into a Lexus SUV. They looked at it, two guys ran and dropped off the carts then ran back to their cars leaving the seen as well as the driver of  the truck that hit the Lexus. He took off as I was recording. I caught the contact on video and then him driving off. He saw me recording then said something as he drove by. Sounded like a single word and I couldn't make it out. But a bit later, he returned on foot to inspect the car. I wasn't sure if it was him as he removed his hat and looked different and parked around the corner. He walked by and didn't say anything. I just watched him leave again and yeah, he jumped into the truck and took off. Scum bag!

I was hoping the driver would come out as I noticed people leaving some kind of a party at the party room of the gold course. Sure enough before I could finish my internet postings, the owners of the Lexus came out so I approached them and explained the situation and even showed them the footage on my GP. I told them if they liked, I'd send them some images of the event. Sure enough as the truck left a couple of pretty big scrapes on the bumper and tail hatch back. 

Images are pretty clear and I'll see if I can get them the video footage if they need it. I'm guessing the scum took off after drinking his share of beer pretending he was some kind of high class moron because he played golf ha ha ha!

But either way, a hot ride but a good time after a good week at work. Then Gina and her mother headed to dinner and a little dessert at the mall afterwards.

Last nigh, did go to a little taco stand at the mall. Good stuff at a decent price. Put a review on Yelp and they used my pics for the home page. Went back a second time so Gina could taste the stuff. Chatted with the owner there, cool fun people so I took a couple more pics and posted them.

Dinner after today's ride with Gina and Cecee.

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