Saturday, June 22, 2024

SART 46 with Joaquin for 20

 46 miles today at 16.5 average speed. Joaquin asked to ride along inland as we ran into one another at the start, train station. Then Paul rode up finishing his ride so we got to chat again. Another windy ride and getting the Windslayer go pro foam cover thing, I tried it out to see the wind block results. Seemed to work well with the sound but a sloppy fit. I'd pull it out of my jersey pocket and the foam would shift all around. I guess it would work much better on a handle bar mount. We'll see!

So heading inland with Joaquin, kind of thought it might be a mistake as he likes to lift the pace with his usual 20. But he held it down some saying he hasn't ridden much lately. Good because it's tough doing the first half hard in my case as I warm up into my rides. I did feel a little suffering after he turned off and i hit the more windy sections closer to the coast. But always good to see Joaquin, he's a good guy.

A chat with Paul at the start. As always he's finishing his ride when I'm getting ready to start. Some day maybe he'll explain the process of getting out of bed early to ride as I'm not understanding the idea of that right now ha ha ha! As well, Paul always a pleasure to meet up. Always good chat and at least a laugh or two.

Did stop near the coast for a bit for a rest while riding into the wind. Did see a few riders going back so I recorded them passing. Seems most were tickled being recorded ha ha ha!

And of course, always having fun with my little stuff. New duffel bag, Windslayer, and whatever else I can get on sale ha ha ha! And the perfect chainring tat on my leg. Too much lube maybe ?!

The perfect woman. Get home and she brought me a couple more bags of electrolytes ha ha ha!

                                                 A couple of pics taken with the Go Pro

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