Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Solo Meeting Jose M & Friends

 Solo 20 on SGRT. Pico to the Santa Fe Dam and back. Nice easy ride testing out the Go Pro 10 stabilizer thingy. My recorders are from 2012 and I've been admiring the stabilizer.  Been thinking of getting one as an upgrade but just wasn't sure. So my birthday, Gina suggested getting one but still resisting. Finally the other day, she says we ought to visit Best Buy to check them out. I really didn't know that they still sold the older models being up to GP12 now.  But yes, and I had been researching finding out that the 10 is much like the 11 and 12. Many suggest if one is not into all the features of the 11 and 12, the 10 is a better buy seeing it's almost half the price. I'm the click and record guy just wanting basic video but the stabilize was my want ha ha ha! So glad I did because the ride footage looks really smooth even hand held and hitting bumps and creases on the trail, really nice! Pretty noticeable in the music section of my new video.

Of course, buying the GP10 then getting home like 9 pm on Friday night, I spent some time learning how to set it up and operate it. Pretty different from the GP 2 and 3 I have. But I figured out most of it. So many settings so I just used the 1080 with 120 frames per second. Looks great but I'll have to experiment with the not so wide view to see which looks better. But pleased with the camera and only 225  vs the $400 for the GP 12.

On the ride, did run into Eyemage. He seemed worried about a tire with a scrape and maybe bulge in it. He explained that a squirrel hit his tire and damaged it. Umm ok, but yeah, maybe I did see a few teeth and some claws stuck in the bulged damaged area of his tire ha ha ha!

Then after the ride, I noticed some guys down the way looking toward me. One guy waved so I waved back. Could be one of the strava friends I haven't met. I only have like 25 so I figure I'd see if it was one of them. Turned out to be Jose M from my Strava. I was really confused thinking it was the only one  other strava bud I hadn't met. Finally got it all straightened out ha ha ha! Really good guy, very friendly as well as his friends. 

Some strong riders too! I asked about how long they had been riding. One was a couple of years, the other longer and one other guy only like 6 months. WHAAT!!! These guys post some fast times at good distances on their Strava pages. And Jose always posting pics and short vid clips on his strava so it's entertaining and glad I got to meet him finally.

Some good guys and partners in a baker shop business so I can look forward to some discounts ha ha ha!

TOO FUNNY !!! Gina's Mom was kind enough to take us to dinner for my birthday. Always good at Steak Corral. And of course, always entertained included ha ha ha! Never a dull moment. First off, Mexican Sam with his Mexican Rosary, and no, he ain't Mexican. 😄So he got razzed the entire time.

THEN !!!!!!! Crazy Gina, people think I make this stuff up, but even I can't make up stories like this. Gina dropped he chones in the restaurant! 😆😄😆 Chones (Cho-ness, for the Gringos).

She had gone up to the condiments bar to dress up her baked potato. I was still at the bar while Gina headed back. Gina first then her Mom headed back to the table. Just as I was returning to the table, I saw a black rag on the ground. I was looking for a waitress to ask if she had dropped a table cleaning rag, maybe. Then I heard a ruckus at our table. I looked up at our table and saw Gina and her Mom laughing. I still wasn't sure what was going on so I stood there for a moment then I heard them laughing saying, "They're Jockey chones!!!". 😁😄😁

Gina is sitting at the table saying they were hers and she wondered what had happened to them ha ha ha! She had washed her pants and one pair of underwear along with a few other things before we headed to the restaurant. She got dressed after getting the clothes out of the dryer but didn't see the chones and was a little puzzled what had happened to them. Now she knows!

Like those static sheets used in the dryer, the chones stuck in her pants somewhere without her knowing. So returning from the potato bar, the chones somehow slipped out of her pant leg and onto the floor of the restaurant. 🤪

Good thing her Mom saw them before anyone else had a chance to see them, that we know of ha ha ha! I just can't make this stuff up! At first Gina didn't want me to tell the story but then agreed, it's just too funny not to as you can tell by the pic of her tomato red face laughing once she realized they were her chones!

Great meal, and the entertainment was top notch, as always ha ha ha! Then!!!! Cecee even treated me to a mocha latta at the Mall Baskin Robbins. 😋 Great time!

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