Sunday, June 16, 2024

SGRT 20 & Meeting Sung-ho ...........& Eyemage

Just a Father's Day easy 20. Ran across a really nice lady, Sung-ho. Had a good chat with Sung-ho at the park in Downey. Then ran across Eyemage on the way back. So I turned around and chased him down. Said he had a low tire. Kind of funny, the guy rides a $20,000 Pinarello but can't afford decent tires. Ran into him a couple weeks ago at the SF dam and he had just repaired a flat as well. I looked at the label on his tires and I believe it said El Monarcha tires ha ha ha!

Anyway, another good ride and video.

An image from Saturday's ride.

Ran across Eyemage and finally recognized him out there on the trail. Missed him a few times already and he wonders why. Not to be racist but where I park, there are like 50 Chinese people on bikes all with masks arriving and heading out on bikes. So when I see Eyemage out on the trail, a Chinese guy with a mask, glasses and all covered up, how am I supposed to recognize him? I actually have to look for a Chinese guy with a half flat tire ha ha ha, that's him! :-P

Gina did take me out for dinner on Father's day.  She said, " I want to take you out because,  YOU'RE MY DADDY!". 

OK, maybe she didn't say that,  but she took me out ha ha ha. 😆 

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