Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Fajita Tour and Video

 20 solo miles at 15.7. Pico to SF Dam. Just messing and learning the new GoPro. Nice day then early dinner with Gin and her Mom. Plus a little trip to the cemeteries to deliver some flowers for the Dads. No way am I going next weekend with the expected traffic.

As I've said many times, the biggest threat to me on the road and on trails, are other cyclists. Big reason I hate reading "drivers try to kill me" threads on forums and facebook. Too many stupid cyclists complaining  about others when they post just as much thread and stupidity as most others. Of course, in the video as you can see, 2 cyclists stopped on the trail at the rest area when there is a ton of freaking room to stop off the trail. Good thing I pay attention and yeah, got them on video just to show the stupidity as I see it often in this area. Sometimes blocking both lanes with a small group. I mention it but internet cyclists deny that this happens. OK, whatever!

Then down the road, I'm catching another cyclist. Turns out to be a SHE. Doing well as I see her from a good distance back. 5 miles later, I'm about to catch and pass her. Just as I'm about 20 yards back, I plan to announce my pass as a courtesy to keep us both safe, she sees someone she knows, stopped on the opposite side of the trail on beach cruisers. She does a quick slam on the brakes type of a stop, turns her bike and blocks most of the trail.  What a freaking idiot, I don't care if she is female, she's stupid and could have hurt us both. I left a few words for her as I rolled by. I could have thrashed her fancy roadbike had I not been aware of my surroundings of stupid people.  Road and trails, they freaking scare me! 

Poor Relive video. My sub expires next month, July 8th. No plans to renew. Cute idea and little videos but I'm not sure anybody ever watches them ha ha ha! Seems like more things to log after a ride not seeming like worth the effort any longer. I guess I'll still be a member but not a prime. That's ok, the benefits is like a choice of 15 songs vs 5.  Not worth the $35 if you ask me and after posting about 5 of them, the thrill is gone. I only continue to create them because I paid for it. I'll still have the FREE account but even then...........

Fajitas the night before to fuel the ride. Probably not the best thing but it's only 20 miles. I could do that with ice cream ha ha ha! 

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