Thursday, June 6, 2024

Foothills with Tony

 Warm 89 degrees with Tony. 31 miles with nearly 2k of climbing, Story later, video for now.

So I have a 4 day weekend and Tony says if I ever have a chance to ride on a weekday, call him, He did have other plans but changed them so that he could do the ride. Didn't expect it to be so hot but hey, I rarely look at the weather unless I think there might be a threat of rain. Maybe it just felt really hot because it's been pretty cool lately, overall. 

We headed across Baseline, up along Wheeler then down to San Dimas Cyn to climb up to the ranger station. Give me a chance to use the new Go Pro (10). Did pick up a new Enduro battery that is supposed to last 40 longer. Did the ride and yeah, pretty good having 70% charge left. I like it and a good investment at $24. I feel strange having the recorder sit out on the hb's without a case so I bought a diving case on ebay for about fourteen bucks. Delivered as I was out on the ride and testing it, this thing is a good snug fit so that's nice. Now to test it on a ride to see how the recording looks.

Back to the ride, Tony was really feeling the heat on the ride, Says he hasn't been on the bike much last month so I know, heading out into the heat first ride can really make for a rough ride.  I felt good and actually got a few Strava Pr's on the climb up the canyon so that's good. Just before the end of the ride, I started feeling the heat myself. Hips were feeling tired but not a normal tiredness, more like a draining fatigue I recognized from passed rides in the heat. Oh well, hopefully this is the start of adapting to the heat this year seeing Summer is near.

A little rough but another good ride on the charts!

Digging the new GP. The Stabilization is really cool. But figuring out exactly what settings to use will take a little time. Heck, older GP, just push record. This one has white balance, ISO, all kinds of features that need a little attention of which I haven't even began to dabble with. This video looks good but I need to figure out if this wide view is better than the super view I used on the last one. I guess only time will tell which I favor.

I am using 1080 quality. Haven't tried the 4k or 5k yet. !080 looks nice enough and my thing is to make it look nice without using too much time to load and edit videos. I'll probably test the others sooner or later but no plan to keep it that way. Heck, I wonder if youtube will even play the high quality stuff. I think I read one needs a youtube subscription to view or notice the high quality stuff. Pffft! Everybody wants to sell a prescription nowadays. 

Of course, the file on my computer looks nicer than that loaded onto youtube so I get to see it in better high def ha ha ha! Youtube always loses a little quality but nothing I can do about that.

Of course, always refreshing watermelon drink at the mall with Gina after the ride.

You see, some people say I waste my time taking pics of my food. Today I got an email from Yelp. Seems the pics I took are featured on the business page of the little taco place of which I reviewed on Yelp. The email said thanks for submitting HIGH QUALITY photos and that mine were featured. I knew taking pics of my food would pay off someday ha ha ha! 😁 The taco pics to the left and the right of the business page are mine.

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