Sunday, June 23, 2024

Really Hot Sunday

 Solo 20 miles on a hot Sunday. Slept in late having stayed up to 1 am. Out of bed at 9 am then deciding to ride or not. Yeah or I'd feel like I wasted the day. So I was OK for the first 3 or 4 miles till I crossed paths with Eyemage again. Just a quick shot as we passed in opposite directions. The further I went North up the trail, didn't seem to bother much till Eyemage sent a text. An image of his Garmin reading 104 degrees. OK!

I looked at mine and it was only 99.  I took a pic  but right after, up to 100. Few miles later, 102,, then 1o4 at the top. Well darn, I might have to start looking at the forecast before I ride ha ha ha! Nah, I'd ride anyway just to be on my bike. A weekend day with no bike is a waste of a day. Need to ride. But yeah, 104 max and I felt it on the return. Especially getting windy AF again.

But I survived. Funny as I was riding up the trail, I started feeling the heat and started wondering if it was worth it. Then on my earbuds, Walk Like A Man by the 4 Seasons listening to 60's music. I started thinking that I'd have to Ride Like A Man, harden up and just get the job done. I know plenty of forum members who stay inside unless the temps are between 65 and 75 degrees ha ha ha! More on that later, meeting a new friend.

I went up the trail and saw like 4 guys. I went down the trail and saw like 4 guys. One of them being the same guy. More on that later. Not many riders out at all. Makes you proud to know you got the huevos to get the job done not just staying home in the AC crying like a little beotch about the heat ha ha ha!

So after the ride, I rack up my bike as some dude rolls by and waves. Same dude I saw twice already on the trail. So he goes up to the golf course water fountain and fills his bottle. Then rolls back by as I am about done. I notice he has only one water bottle, a small one. Oh, he can't have possibly had enough fluids for the riding he was doing seeing I saw him twice already.

As he is rolling by, I ask if he has electrolytes. He says he's drinking water. Well here dude, take my extra packet of Liquid IV. New flavor, Bomb Pop Popsicle flavor. I told him I always have spares and this was brand new. So he says he has only the return stretch home. I think 10 miles maybe.  So he says ok then opens it up and pours it in his bottle. Then he says, wow, good flavor.

We chat a bit then I explain about posting on the net and not being on forums any longer. Actually banned. He says he used to post on forums but had a hard time because 99% of the stuff he read was bullshit! Ha ha ha, that's me, can't get along with the bullshitters and get banned for calling them out. Remember one guy that went from an oxygen tank to claiming to have done a solo 5 hour century within a few months. Oh bullshit! Dude was full of it! A few others as well that claimed to be super studs.  Of which I happened to kick the sheot out of them on century rides. One guy completing RAM several times, along with another member claiming to do 5 hour centuries. Actually called me out on the forums only to meet and make them look silly. Million dollar bikes while I rode my 1998 Cannondale CAD3 that they had criticized previously. I guess they had no idea doing 5:45 solo centuries took more effort than doing 5 hour centuries drafting in a group of 20 guys ha ha ha!

So we laughed and chatted about these idiots and I listened to his reasons for riding alone. Pretty much same as mine. Riding solo fighting wind builds character. Yeah, I ride for fun but get called out once in a while which is usually settled with a little training and friendly competition leaving them looking like a fool. He pretty much has the same stories so we both had some laughs.

It was cool meeting another person who thinks like I do, forum members are pretty much full of crap most of the time. Yeah, I've met a few that are awesome riders but for the most part, forum posters are a bunch of cry baby beotches ha ha ha!

 The new flavor. I was worried it might be too sweet but turns out to be pretty good. Gina went back on Sunday to get me another bag.  Two bags on Saturday, Bomb Pop and a lemon lime/peach. Never been a fan of peach but the electrolytes are never too flavorful so I think I can handle it. But my new friend got the good stuff ha ha ha!

My face after 2 enjoyable miles.

My face after Eyemage sent the text with the 104 temperature image.

I'm guessing Irwindale used to be mostly desertscape.


Of course, post ride fajitas with Gina.

Pretty cool later in the evening. The company Gina works for contracts with SpaceX making parts for their rockets etc. Tonight, caught a glimpse of a Falcon that was launched. 

A later evening snack at McD's. Don't go there often so I was surprised to see they served our food in a bra. C cup I think ha ha ha!

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