Monday, October 12, 2020

Saturday Ride video with Joaquin

Video of the Joaquin ride. Nice good strong ride with Joaquin. Nice steady pace and good teamwork. His usual is 20 miles so this was a jump for him as he is ramping up to a 60 mile birthday ride in November.

In the video, as many say is my own imagination, caught 4 guys that hopped on the back then sprinted around.  Glad I caught the guys because when I mention this, people say it doesn't happen. What?! Happens on almost every ride I do.

So these guys hopped on the back of us and seemed to be doing a good pace. We had just seen them at Yorba Park, group of 4. They sat on the back for about a mile then the first guy sprinted around like a bat out of hell. OK, be on your way if you are fast I say and have no problem with it. But if you draft then sprint around, I think you suck ha ha! If one takes help, then one should return the favor but I think this guy's ego go to him. We're going well but I can do better, is what I think he was thinking, as usual. Of course it's easier drafting so uhhhh!

But he sprints around and races off. Then the second guy follows immediately. Then a short bit later, the third, then a little after, the fourth guy who seemed not quite as fast and was really struggling to catch the other guys. I can't say he ever did.

Real soon after, the guys faded. First guy not long before we passed him. The next guy just up a bit, then the final 2 who were rolling a little better. So we roll up on them then go around the lead 2. Right away the guys hop on our wheel. I looked at the lead guy and shouted,"YOU SHOULD SPRINT AROUND AGAIN, NICE SPRINT, VERY IMPRESSIVE!", ha ha ha! What a bunch of idiots. Then they suck wheel to the train station and turn off. Hmm! What I thought was funny that the last couple of guys couldn't even keep the pace. They fell off the back but the other two just left them behind, some friends ha ha!

So anyway, glad I got them on video just to show those who say this doesn't happen, happens, all the time! To me, I'd be embarrassed and wouldn't even take a wheel after I made a fool of myself.

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