Saturday, October 3, 2020

Solo 43 & Meeting Blind Stokers Dude

 Solo 43 miles at 17.0 average speed today. Hot on the return, warm at the coast but yet foggy. I had my recorders with me today hoping to run into somebody just to make a video. But I didn't see anybody out there ha ha!

Ran into a dude at the coast, think his name is Mike. Man, I have trouble with white guy names ha ha! I mean Filipinos, Bong, Dope, how can you forget those names? And Hispanics, just call out Jose and you can't be wrong ha ha! But white guys, man, Mike, Bill, Ron, Ed, so many common names, it's hard to keep track of them ha ha! Might sound a little racist, but ok, I'm racist, I'll admit it!

Anybody who pisses me off, I'll be the first to throw in some racial slurs. I'll be the first to laugh at racial jokes but hey! Of course, if you stay on my good side, I'm cool with you no matter race or color. Piss me off and I won't hesitate, heck, I've met a lot of Mexicans that I don't like so I will say, I am a non discriminant racist ha ha! I hate all you fuckers ha ha!

But anyway, Mr. Knapp made a short stop at the restrooms and asked me to watch his bike. No problem! When he came out, he started heading out when I noticed his jersey, Blind Stokers Club. I told him I knew a guy, Aaron Hultin who does the same thing, but he's from San Diego area. Dude says yeah, me too and I know Aaron. Wow, small world! He was actually surprised that I knew what a stoker is ha ha! I told him we had a tandem too.

I asked to take his pic thinking Aaron would get a kick out of it. Then he asks me to capture the Blind Stokers label on it. Yeah, no problem but he pulls his jersey down in front, it's on the lower section of his jersey. I said, hey ho wait, I'll take a pic of the shoulder label cause it would look kind of weird, me taking a pic of his crotch ha ha!

But either way, that's a cool thing these guys do.  The blind get to enjoy cycling too! Mr. Knapp was on a 5 day tour to Yosemite from San Diego. Said he had a chance to do the right right now so he was going for it. Cool! I believe his wife is driving along and enjoying the trip right along with him.

                                              Foggy but warm! High of 98 and average 87

Mr. Knapp

This gal was skating along the coast. Lots of looks and smiles, I think she was digging the attention.

You know it's warm when you look around and you're the only one out there.

260-270, somewhere around there. But this BONES jersey makes me look skinny so I bet most of you are guessing my weight at 175 or so ha ha!

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