Sunday, November 29, 2020

 Nice easy 31 today with Gina at 16.0. Windy again but manageable ha ha! Strange way that the wind has been changing directions lately. Tail, head, cross, where the heck is is coming from? Seemed like we would have a headwind all the way to the coast, a tough one. But soon it was not as bad as expected. So we were holding 16-16.5. Not bad considering I was thinking we would be doing 14 with the way the wind felt. But on the return, it was like 16 and the tailwind I was expecting was not there. So these are the times you just consider it a ride that builds your mileage and character cause you ain't setting no records today ha ha!

But that's what we're here for, exercise!  Seemed like a decent amount of cyclists at the start but soon thinned out. I saw a couple of riders on the way back but not one near us on Strava. Of course I don't think many riders know, though many notes have been sent out, that Strava disabled the fly bys for all riders and if you want to be seen by others, you need to go and set your settings back to visible. I really think it's a bummer not being able to see many others around on the rides. But oh well!

So the only little excitement I had on the ride was getting a bee sting on my middle finger at the beach stop. I felt something tickling my neck at the hairline. I thought it was the gator style mask tickling my neck. I reached back to move it and bam, bee sting! I swell in the area around the sting and this one got me right on the side of the tip so I was expecting to have a huge Flinstone finger by the next day. I do carry Benadryl with me for that reason. That and putting mud, sand mud on my finger, it didn't get that bad this time. Of course at a stand still, I was able to pull out the stinger right away. Versus a GMR ride where I was descending at 30 mph and a bee sting right between the eyes. I couldn't stop fast enough and not being able to see between my own eyes, I had to wait for Gina to catch up and pull it out for me. So I am pretty sure I got the full doze and looked like I boxed Mike Tyson ha ha! SO thankfully, this was an easy one. Some Cortisone 1% cream for a couple of days and it was good, not too much swelling at all.

Let see, the only thing on the road was that I was holding my pace and catching up to some dude. He kept looking back to see where we were. Again, not racing, just doing our thing. SO I took this dude for a sucker already. 

Once we catch up, he jumps on Gina's wheel and is like 3 inches away. I didn't want him there. Gina  is wearing her mask and after an ass chewing from me about not wearing masks when she should (transporting idiots home from parties who have been exposed all night to other idiots) at 3 am. 

So I didn't want this guy that close to her wheel for bike safety reasons as well as Covid. So after trying to leave us behind as if we were racing, we passed and sure enough. So I waved the guy around and said, "go ahead of us!". He looked at me and said, "well you passed me!". Dude, I'm riding with my wife and I want to be alone and spend time together. He said, "oh sorry, I apologize!" then took off and raced ahead. Of course a couple miles later, couldn't help but pass the guy again but this time he didn't hop on Gina's wheel. Well, at least he saw my side of the situation. I have had too many guys argue as to why they should be able to draft us. WTH, if I say no, then GTFA!! Get The Fuck Away for those of you..... :-P

But anyway, Gina did really well. A slower average than recent rides but it was windy and I know she was working hard at times. Many times in wind like this, she will fall back at times but today, she even passed me on the steep little hill heading south by Moon Park ha ha! I usually leave her behind there but today she pass me! But in all fairness, I did a longer ride on Saturday, I got a million of them ha ha! But really, Gina rode strong and did well. Just wish it was a less windy day, it would have reflected on the average.

                                                             The boring little video

Cleared out this wing. Removed the table which I don't mind if it means clearing out the area of a bunch of homeless people not wearing masks. They camp out at the tables and don't wear masks. The last ride, I saw some idiot homeless in the restroom mad at something so he was slamming and kicking the faucets and dryers. I almost said something to him but he looked like he would be obnoxious and though I don't have a problem confronting these idiots, the last thing I need is to see a video of me walking out of the rest room with some bloody idiot laying unconscious on the floor ha ha! LOOKING FOR THIS FAT BASTARD CYCLIST ON VIDEO WHO APPARENTLY ATTACKED A HOMELESS MAN AT A TRAIN STATION  ha ha ha!

Just wanted a pic of Gina in the clear hall.

Wow, electric bikes with big spot light headlights on the front, WITH AEROBARS???!!! Just how much faster do you need to go on an electric bike that does 30+ on the bike trail? And why the big spot light? Not like you can't see other cyclists around you in broad daylight on the trail.

The Gina interview :-P

CRUNCH! Dead bee!

Yes, got me on THE FINGER

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