Sunday, November 1, 2020

 26 miles at 16.6 average speed with Gina. Thought it was would be a slower pace as it was the second day for Gina. She hasn't done back to back rides on a weekend in 2.5 years maybe due to the stupid people around us. The wind seemed tough at the start so I thought it might end up being a tough day fighting the wind. But strangely, once we hit Edna Park, the wind seemed to lighten up which is pretty unusual heading to the coasts.

So I did an easy spin to the coast with a decent average. Not hard holding 17 much of the way, actually trying to keep it at 16. Then a little easier on the way back but holding the pace down so it was not a bad ride at all. Gina did get a little tired on the way back but I thought it was nice for her to feel the benefits of increasing her fitness level. And she needs it seeing she has really taken a dive in fitness sitting around with idiots on Saturdays doing nothing.

Did run into Ramy at the coast. We were sitting there enjoying the cool coast air when he rode up. I didn't recognize him at first. I thought he was a lot smaller than he was but I haven't seen him since last year and only met once. We had a good chat and I snapped a couple of Ramy pics.

Saw a couple of other riders at the coast for brief stops but not many riders at all stop there anymore. That's cool, I get the bench ha ha!

                         After a brief pitstop at the train station after the 30 mile drive to the trail.

Gina looking sad about riding both days, but I don't give a fuck! She's riding and that's that!

Heading to the trail

Man, feels a little windy but that would soon end. I wore my mask more for the smoky air today knowing what the ashes look like in the night air with lights.

Ramy Time!

Whoah, watch out for those birds!

Some dude riding a wheelie at the beach. Not sure but it could have been Sagan ha ha!

The reflection looked nice in the water today so I snapped a bridge reflec pic.

She's getting tired but I'm freaking happy riding with my wife 2 days in a row!

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