Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 16 miles at 14.2 average speed. Keeping the pace down for a relaxation ride. Cool night average temp of 57. Tights, windbreaker and mask over ears and nose kind of chilly night for us So Cal riders ha ha!

I just wanted to keep the pace down to save the legs for Saturday. Joaquin asking me if I wanted to do a long ride, maybe the entire trail as he has never been to Green River. So, this ride then hope I can get in a really easy 10 miler on Thurs nite or Friday. 

I did ride across Baseline to Amelia. Instead of going up this time, I went down to Old Baseline or whatever they call it. Quiet street with farm house looking residential area mostly. Then down to Bonita via San Dimas Cyn. Not a whole lotta traffic.

The temp was high of 59, low of 55 and average of 57. Not too much variation going on there, just cool the entire way. Used the mask to cover my ears as well as stuffed with tissue. I hate the thought of getting an ear ache. Though I don't get them really, just the thought of the cold air getting in makes me think of how much I don't want one ha ha!

I did see ash in the air. Plenty of it. Not sure if it was a fire, fireplaces, or Pinnacle Peak restaurant. All I know is lots of ash and good smelling food as I rolled by ha ha! But even a half mile down the road I could see it and further south on Old Baseline. So I really don't know, just glad I had a mask on.

Tights, under layer. jersey and a windbreaker was just right. Never used to get so cold but maybe it's all that global warming that is making me a wuss to the cool air ha ha!

                                        Once I'm 5 miles out, the traffic thins pretty well. 

Nice houses on Old Baseline.

Camera sucks at night. I was trying to get my bars and the
bike lane logo but the camera hesitates while focusing. Oh
well, got my speedo pretty well. At this point, it's easy to
do 20-25 but I was trying to keep it down. Resting legs and too
dark to attempt land speed records ha ha!

Yup, camera doesn't pick up much at night. Got me but 
not the freeway and cars that were in the background
seeing I was on an overpass. But hey, my ankle bands
lit up! 

Of course a little guitar fun the next day! :-P

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