Another nice road trip taking Cecee for a good time.
Monday, February 24, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Laughlin Weekend
Crazy experience in Laughlin tonight. Pics for now, story and video later. But tonight I'm sitting at a Cafe table In the casino when a guy comes up and says, Beanz? Yup! Turns out he recognized me from my Laughlin videos. Cool guy but didn't want to be on video but always nice to meet viewers. 😄
More later.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Mostly Solo Saturday and A Clown on A Bike
But when I passed him the first time, he tucked under my arm and tried to draft me. F that,, I sat up looking at him and waved my hand, like go stupid MOFO! My thoughts, if I'm stronger and caught your ass, I don't need you to help me complete my ride so do your own ride. So he didn't even look at me, just took off like he thought he was superman. Of course as you can hear me say in the video that I'll catch him again down the road again, anyway. And yeah, 4 different times I caught and started to pass but he refused each time. OK clown! First time catching him from 1/2 mile behind. Next few times, he had pulled ahead 100 to 150 yards and faded each time ha ha ha!
Then, as you can see in the video, the final time I say something like, let's see what happens this time and yeah, I'm impressed, ha ha ha! So he pulled ahead about 50 yards then I kicked it up and when I caught up again, I went big ring and dropped his ass like a bad habit showing him what kind of a clown he really is ha ha ha!
I did see that the clown is on Strava and his ride was a bit longer than mine but my average speed is 1 and 1/2 MPH faster than his average. So yeah, he's slower and a clown ha ha ha!
Later at the coast, I was about ready to take off when Herb and Alyce rolled up. So we chatted for a while seeing I hadn't seen Herb for quite some time. Then knowing and having seen Ron and Dixie heading the opposite way, I knew they would be arriving soon so I stuck around a bit longer as we all know one another and part of the gang that used to gather at the beach stop regularly. Then R&D rolled in for more chatting.
By this time, I had been there quite a while and my legs cooled way down so I knew when we started heading back, my legs would be stiff. And sure enough, headed out and like R&D usually do, Alyce took the front and picked it up for a fast warm up pace that I'm not used to doing. So I held on the back trying to warm up feeling my legs rip up ha ha ha! But warmed up a bit after 5 miles. By this time, R&D took the front while Alyce and Herb dropped back seeing Herb couldn't hold the pace set by the tandem team. Herb does well on the trike but his injuries from his accident a few years back holds him back some. But, if it were me at the front, I would have held the pace down some so that we could all ride together as I usually did riding with Gina and the gang. But I just went with it then down the road, R&D fell a bit back. I sat up a few times but they didn't close the gap so I took off wanting to keep my average up. I should have waited but only being able to ride less than I want, I took advantage of the sitcheeation and got in my workout pushing myself in what turned out to be a good headwind. Well, I wanted a good workout and the wind made sure of that ha ha ha!
But a good day on the bike and seeing good people again. Reminds me, did run into Pastor Sammy at the start. Did a prayer as Sammy always does. I did ask him to keep it short for my video seeing most of the times, his prayers are like 5 minutes long ha ha ha! There have been times at the coast where he would ask like 10 of us to put our arms around one another like a football team huddle for a prayer. OK, most of the friends out there are of faith so no arguments there. But 5, 10 minutes later, it's hard to keep your arms around one another standing still hoping not to tip the group over ha ha ha! Good thing but either way, it can be tough holding the position that long ha ha ha!
Funny, I got a comment on this YT video saying something like, " Wow, I didn't expect this, greeting from Germany".
I replied yeah, something like I hate clowns that make it dangerous for others by not letting them pass safely knowing the other rider is stronger or faster. Used to do the same when Gina was riding with me, some clown would block her from passing and interfere making our ride less safe. Then he said something about me not being a child of Jesus.
Uhh OK, I told him that Jesus knows there are ass holes on bikes as well ha ha ha! Then I said that he must be the clown in the video. The clown did see me recording as I had the gopro in my hand so I know he saw it. I'm guessing he may have looked up any newly posted videos and saw his image on the cover and saw his clown moves pointed out.
Next thing I know, the comment was deleted ha ha ha! I'm guessing if he deleted the original comment, it also deleted the replies I added. Moral of the story, don't be a clown or somebody might catch you on camera.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Cemetery Visit Video
Thought I had posted this in my last post but I guess not ha ha ha! SO here it is!
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Cycling and Cemetery Visits
Did a nice 20 miler today. Nice day and a chance to test my new shutter remote for my cell cam. Nice, I like it! $12 and a further range than my previous remote. Sadly I have dropped it a few times and it kept falling apart so I broke down and ordered another. Strangely, I feel guilty giving up my old equipment. OC I guess, just the way I am. Heck, I've given away hundreds of dollars to waitresses and waiters but I can't get myself to buy new cycling shoes ha ha ha!
But today, did my ride then to the cemeteries to take some flowers. Last time we were at Rose Hills for Gina's Dad, we dug up the stone some as it was totally covered, couldn't even find it, finally! So we found it much easier this time and not so bad so we cleaned it up a bit more. Then to my Dad in Riverside at the Veterans cemetery.
Of course, dinner at Mexico Lindo in Ontario Calif since we were passing through on the way back from Riverside. Always a fun time with Gina.
Poser !!!
Kept an easier pace today just trying to relax.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Solo Old Fart 34 San Gabe
Solo 34 the dinner at Los Jarritos with my Honey. Really nice day though started out chilly. I put on my tights to keep the legs warm but don't like using a windbreaker seeing it makes it really tough getting the gopro out of the jersey pocket. But thankfully, it warmed up nicely with the sun.
But boy, too many idiots on bikes. As soon as I started, some dude hops on the trail at 4 Corners from a side trail that doesn't even look like a trial so I have the right of way obviously. But he looks at me kind of funny and I guess he thinks that because I'm a big guy, he's going to stay ahead of me anyway. So he hops on the trail cutting me off, wow! We hit the section heading north and he picks it up. He's doing well so ok, if he stays ahead, then I guess I can see why he dangerously cut me off. But I'd prefer the ass hole be safe as it wouldn't be any more dangerous passing me if he had to as I stay far right most times.
So he's doing pretty good and pulling away, gets about 100 yards ahead at one point so ok! But as we hit the rolling sections, I can see he's struggling on the little whoopty doos along the trail. And of course, not long after I'm passing the guy. So now I know he's just an ass hole ha ha ha! Just doing my thing I pulled away and soon, he was out of sight. Wonder if he's wondering how a big guy dropped his sorry ass on a slight incline ha ha ha!
Then as I hit the dam, I stopped to clamp my claw and gopro on a post to record myself on the dam climb. After I get my shot having to repeat the top section a couple more times, some dude is heading up. Seems to be struggling but that's cool. I was done packing up so I hopped on the dam section soon after he passed. I think he slowed to tighten his shoe, or something. So I passed him and he quickly took my wheel. You know me, I'd rather ride solo and see my own efforts after the ride. But he's on my wheel so I just keep pedaling but not hard. He then goes around me taking the front. So I hop on for a few seconds just to get some footage. Then I let him go. He was doing well but seeing what he had, I knew that I'd be doing most of the work eventually. Pretty much the reason I let him go, I know I'd pass and drop him once we hit the inclines anyway. Seemed like a cool guy but I just like doing my own efforts and don't like carrying anybody, unless it's Gina ha ha ha!
Sure enough, once we hit the far side of the dam and heading to the nature center, he faded big time and I passed him without much effort. Once we hit the section heading up to the top of the trail, he was gone. That was when I noticed that there was water in the river and nopales lining the river. My natural instinct was feeling like I should swim across the river ha ha ha! I'd better not because if ICE spots me, I'd certainly be deported ha ha ha!
Did have a sore throat and cough about 3 weeks ago. But felt great once again today on the bike. Did call in my online doc service looking for and antibiotic for the little nagging lingering cough. But it's a 7 day thing and being day 3, seems it hasn't done much yet. So hopefully, it starts clearing up soon but again, feeling great on the bike.
A good work week and some new shoes so the feet are happy this week. Some slip in Sketchers with some really thick soles and rubber on them, Good Year rubber. Feeling good and keeping my feet happy so that my rides would be that much nicer too ha ha ha!