Wow what a nice day on GMR. Expecting 65 high but the average temp was 71. Gina got warm enough to skip on the under layer and eventually removed the jacket for the climb. Started from Boulder Springs with Gina, Aimee, Herb & Alyce, and Hillbasher. Alyce kills me, working 12 shifts but still requests GMR as a fun ride ha ha! We started off together but before the first turn, Aimee was gone! She made her way up to the shack, rested, turned around headed down to meet us then rode back up for extra credit.
Along the way we ran into GMR, Bill and Matt. That darn Bill, the dude looks trim. Lost 20 lbs and looking like a climber. Not to mention he looks 20 years younger. Hm, I wouldn't mind looking 20 younger myself. A short chat then off we went. After Newman's Point JasonA came flying up the mountain. Must have been on an easy recovery ride a is speed was more like 20 rather than 30 ha ha! The dude is an Everest Challenge stud so I didn't feel bad when he dropped me like a hot potato.
We reached the shack, had some laughs then headed down. Nice easy descent, no rider left behind. Nice and easy!
A 42 miler with Gina on SART today. Legs a bit burnt today so I let Gina pull me around the trail. We ran into the Ambassador Louie at Edna Park. Pretty proud of their new registration sheet, he's passing them out to everybody he sees. Well heck, ride with jersey included, NICE! We talk a bit then Scott and Lois ride up. Out of State vacationers making their way to all the local trails, cool deal.
As we get back on the trail we run into the Legend Greg. He waited for us to pull up but it was just a quick hello then he vanished. No way my legs were willing to even attempt keeping up with The Legend.
Not long after we see ABEC heading the opposite direction. He turns around to ride with us to the coast. He's at the start of a video career so he shows off his Contour recorder. Nice, but whatever you do, don't fiddle with it on the bike ha ha! He dropped the cover along the trail. So we stopped and waited for him to recover the piece. But um, today I was glad to find any excuse for a break ha ha!
Nice day on GMR. Leave to Alyce to choose a GMR ride. Just when you think you're going to do a slacker ride she suggest GMR ha ha!. Well always a nice ride and a good tasty chicken & ribs lunch special after the ride.
Herb & Alyce did a 46 mile loop on Saturday so I figured they'd have a tough time today. Hm, might have been a slow start but once they warmed up, it wasn't all that bad. Heck, once we got to the shack we saw a plane doing tricks somewhere along GRR. So Alyce suggested we go look for it. I'm game but once we got there, the plane vanished. We at around a bit then it returned for one final trick (in the video).We sat around for a bit thinking ti might come back. But it didn't, Dude, wassup!
There plenty of riders and crotch rockets on the road. So on our way back from GRR I slowed at the fork to make sure it was clear when the gals came though. That's when heard a voice from the side of the road shout,"can I get a picture for bike forums?". Ha ha! Turns out to be Chefxian from the SoCal section. We chat for a bit about rides but then I must leave to catch the others. Pretty cool guy! Funny how the forum personalities are usually pretty different in person. Nice to meet the guy, gives me some faith that there are still some good friendly members out there that I haven't met yet ha ha!
I also ran into JasonA of the forum. Well should I say he blew past us like an F-16. I swear I have never ever seen anybody moving that fast up GMR. Well I guess that explains why he placed so well on the Everest Challenge!
Wow, where to begin? So many friends out there today, some we hadn't seen in a while. First ran into Louie promoting his upcoming Sikad ride to a couple of riders, Ray and Ron. One dude on the trail shouted my name but I'm not sure who he is, I'm thinking a forum member I have not yet met.
Thinking this would be a windless ride compared to last week, I was wrong. Wind pretty strong once again, strong enough to move that huge flag across the river(video)near Kramer. Getting close to the coast Brian and his new bike ride up on us so sure, we need to talk a bit about the new wheels. Once at the coast, we run into Alex2 (missed his pic), Mark & Gail, Herb & Alyce on a 50 mile loop) Doctor Sarah, Mr. Nice Guy Pete, Kevin who we hadn't seen for a long time, Ron & Dixie, Marcello and George doing another Looong ride (also missed the pic).
Well we had planned to head back early but with all the familiar riders we, as always took a bit longer. Thought we'd ride with Marcello and George but the riders kept coming in so we missed the chance, sorry Marcello.
We did head back with a few riders including Dr. Sarah, Herb and Alyce on their tandem but were soon joined by Rona and Dixie flying on their tandem. Ha, too much for us, they were rollin' and when they hit the short downhill, they were G-O-N-E! I had planned to get a pic of them on the tandem, in action but their action blew us away before I could snap a shot ha ha!