No ride, work Saturday instead. Asked Friday afternoon. Initially said no but after the boss explained, OK since I know what's going on!
Being an Inspector/Laser Operator, I've been running a laser welder machine on day shift. Couple of guys on nights also run it and one guy for over 2 years. Many problems with this young generation not paying attention being on the cell phone all day long. Not sure why they put up with lousy employees though they say they have a hard time finding help, good help. So running the machine off and on over the last month and a half (?), the boss noticed the quality of my work. Couple of weeks back, he mentioned that he noticed how detailed I was in my work. Well yeah, I take pride, lots of pride in my work, always have and always been praised for doing anything and everything well. Since I was a child, I have received compliments and comments and described as being a perfectionist. Funny thing, about 5 years ago, ran into my 4th grade teacher at the mall. I was 55 maybe, then he started telling Gina that as a 9 year old child, I always had to have things perfect and organized. I didn't realize that but wow, I guess so.
So yesterday afternoon, the boss asks me to work, I said no thanks then he explained. He said that they had some parts coming up that they needed to get done and that he knows he can count on me to do them right and with high quality. Yeah buddy! He said the guys on nights do lousy work and he doesn't know why they are so bad. He said he wanted me to do the parts and that he wasn't going to allow them to work on the parts knowing they will mess them up and if I do them, they will be right.
Well yeah, I do 100 to 125 parts a day and all are good. OK, 2 out of 2 weeks were bad, my mistake, I own up to it but that's a pretty good ratio. The other guys do 70 per day and they mess up 25 and scrap another 30 per day, WTH!!!!!
I pay attention to my work and they don't. Maybe a generation thing? I did maybe 1200 parts in 2 weeks with 2, yes only 2 scrapped parts, mistakes. They did maybe 800 with about 90 scrapped parts, WTH!!!!!
So I went in seeing it might rain and I might not be able to ride anyway. 125 employees and I'm one of only maybe10 that were asked to go in. I guess it's a good thing that they notice my work and that the other guys suck ha ha ha!
Anyway, worked 8 then took Gina, her Mom and brother to Millie's in Covina for and early dinner. Been doing well so today was my cheat day. So I added a little individual banana cream pie to m meal. Heck, had to add more holes into my belt so yeah, been doing really well, I deserve a little pie.
Lunch, small turkey sandwich and a cucumber in vinegar.
Ghost town at work today
Ah, the early morning 5:30 am drive into work.
Sunday was wet in the morning so rather than get my bike muddy, I chose to cut my hair. Another homemade haircut ha ha ha. Saving about, 20, 30, or 40 bucks with what they charge nowadays. Wow, I do it for free and actually looks better than most of those that I pay. So I'm happy with my homemade haircut.
Then Gina and I went to eat and to a movie. Something different as we hadn't been to a movie theatre in like 15 years. Always watch movies at home with surround sound and better popcorn ha ha ha! But wow, very different with the theatre reclining type of seats and the surround sound was cool with the big vibration in the chairs. So it was cool as we were at the Montclair Plaza movie theatre.

Sizzler MVP status. 😄On Sunday, Gina and I decided to eat at Sizzler going in about noontime. Pretty crowded with the church goers eating after services. Big line and didn't see any seats. But our Girl Angelina saw us in line and had the servers clear a table for us in her area and placed a reserved sign on the table. Kind of funny seeing the people ahead of us wondering why we were getting a table set up before they were.
Wow, we're MVP status now ha ha ha! Good to have friends in high places. 😁
This pic is from tonight Tuesday, not Sunday. Not very busy but we get the same awesome service from our Girl! 👍