SART Thread
Wow, another windy ride but today we had help from some good riders, Aimee and Will (ABEC on the forums). Heading to Imperial was once again tough but as we headed back to the cost, Aimee took the front and paced us halfway there (Edna Park). Those that don't know Aimee, she is STRONG! After Edna ABEC took the front for the remainder to the coast. Both riders holding a pace of a consistent 19-20 mph. Wow, it is really different when you have other rider out front pulling you, I'm not used to that ha ha!
We get to the coast only to meet up with AznCarbos. He's quite the character with a great sense of humor and doesn't mind at all posing for the camera, always a big kick when he goes into pose mode! Then Bad Bob and Ben ride up for a short chat and a hello. Some curious conversation with George, Curious George. So we see Catalina very clearly but George sees a dragon with babies, puffing smoke. Uh OK! Maybe the dragon isn't the only one puffing some funny smoke bwahahahaha!
We head back and I'm fine for a while so I keep a good pace worried about Gina. To my surprise she sticks to us like glue. I was worried as she hasn't been on the bike too much with family and the weather. But she's there! after a good pull, I move to the side and plan to drop back figuring Gina needed to slow the pace. If she can hang, we'll hang if not, I'll be happy to stay back and let the other two go. I drop back and take a deep breath. Just as I do, Gina hesitates as if to drop off but then kicks it up! What the HEY!!! She pulls away and latches onto the other two. At this point, my legs were toast so I just sat up for a little recoup. That darn Gina surprises the heck out of me every so often. Today she caught me with my pants down! I knew the other two would have no problem with the last couple of miles but I did manage to catch back up to Gina after the other two proved to be too much.
It was a cool ride though! One of those rides that makes you say, "boy, I really need to get on my horse!". Aimee and her itty bitty little body pack a huge powerful punch (and she runs marathons). I've seen her punishing the dudes on the trail while ripping it up at 26mph. Today was my turn to be punished ha ha!

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