Geeze it was a tough one today. Known as the endless climb, my friends take me on the toughest route available. You'd think they would start me out easy since I haven't been on the MTB in a while, or not enough haha! Well, what are friends for! I think there are 3 more miles of the climb but this was good for today. So steep my legs hurt just as much coming down. Did the climb with BF member Eyemage and friend Minor.
Sat 27th....first flat trail ride in a long time. 43 miles with Gina. Joined on a portion of the return with Alex2. Alex was riding strong today. We hung for a while but he eventually dropped our arses ! Windy cool day, sun in and out and the clouds were playing tricks. Nice to be back on the flats but geeze, the WIND! I know Gina was tired at the end haha!
So the night ride was funs but I needed another sucker to ride up with me. It is more relaxed at night with a ride partner and more fun. Not a whole lot to see at night but it does give the ride a different feel. Heck, just having Eyemage and his commentary around adds some variety to the ride haha! But at one point, he got so cold he tried to jump off the edge but I managed to talk him down safely haha! After the ride, we went to "The Habit" for a bite to eat. More fun! Gina joined us there for a chicken sandwich. She's not a night rider....YET!
When we got down to the The Habit in LaVerne, the temp was 42 but much warmer than at the shack. Did I mention the descent was cold?
Well I did GMR up to Newman's point in the dark. Not a whole heck of a lot to see in the dark haha! Only saw 2 cars and I was happy to see them for once. It gets kind of spooky up there all alone. I got to Newman's and figured that was enough going at it alone. It was cool though, nice and refreshing. The downhill wasn't as bad as I thought. Max speed was 31.6 and never did I feel uncomfy. I recorded some video but it's pretty much a black screen with a dot in the center haha! I headed up about 6:30so it was dark when I started.
She did it, the complete ride to the village and back. 42 miles with 5,000 ft of climbing. TomBunn made his attempt also and guess what, no sweat! Both have come a long ways having made it to the village. Nice small group ride with Pro GMR riders HerbM and Hillbasher escorting us newbs to the village. JanB was also there but so far ahead I forgot she was there haha!
Nice ride. We stayed together for most of the ride . But like always, Gina and I were the last to the top. Who cares! She made it hahahaha! At one point I was thinking I may have to head back for the truck but Gina pushed through it like a true trooper. Again I asked at the village if I should ride back for the truck so that she could avoid the scary descent but she said she'd go for it. Did quite well too. Wow, I'm happy for the two of them, good job!
Wed 11/10...Back up on GMR to Peacock Saddle (15 miles up). I built up my rear wheel about 3 weeks ago and haven't had a chance to ride it. What better way to test it than GMR? Worked great, I'm still alive. If you ever want to know how well tuned your bike is, ride it up GMR. I hear noises from the bike that I can't/don't hear on the trail.
Met up with some dude Alex on his way to the village training for the Tour De Foothills. Hillbasher was s'posed to ride but worked late so he missed out on the fun. He did show up a little later in his vehicle, right as I was about 2 miles from the finish of the ride. We had a good time talking about the forum ride and events. I felt pretty good and didn't really feel like stopping but I had to do some posing and take a few pics of my "Mr. Beans Mobile" haha!
Well, Hillbasher and I rode up to Peacock Saddle where we ran across a couple of celebrities. Matt, a pro lurker of GMR related blogs. Very cool guy, encouraging and excellent rider. Also some dude named Tinker, not sure who he is but he went by on a MTB (that's a joke, I've heard of the guy).
Nice day on GMR. S'posed to be hot but a perfect day. Not chilly on the dips and not too hot on the ups. Only saw 2 riders on the way up to the saddle which is unusual. But they started appearing as we rested on the wall. Maybe we were just too darn fast for any of them to catch us! Haha, another joke. If the Saturday forum ride has weather like this, there's going to be lots of happy riders!
Sometimes Hillbasher likes to do it the hardway! Hahaha!