A little MTB on Potato Mtn with Eyemage, Minor, and Carl. I think the boys took it easy on me today but I did feel pretty good. On the way down we ran into FryDaddy and his Beauty. After he started yokin' on the trail, I can see why he is considered one of the 10 sexiest guys on GMR. Climb to Potato is about 1900 ft in a little less than 6 miles according to Eyemage's Garmin. Hey, I don't care what that Eyemage guy says about women on the trail, I'm innocent!
Short 6 mile MTB ride at Claremont Hills Wilderness Park. Just enough to stretch the legs. Geeze, sooo many people on the trail now. Two full parking lots, cars up and down the street. Parking has even spread onto Baldy Rd. Terrible.
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Wow, pretty windy today. You'll get the message with the video haha!. I saw only two other riders out there and one shouted.......get ready......"Windy!". Much windier than last time I was out there. What's more fun that going uphill with a big headwind? The tailwind on the way back had me at 34 mph without pedaling. Oh well, it's a nice ride and a nice day.
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Ran into quite a few people on SART, lots of riders. karen and her new bike, Bad Rob,Brian, Alex2, Tammy and Alan, Jose, and BoyLd. Nice day on the trail. Herb and Alice at the coast for a little interview and the truth about Alice's injured toes haha! We did 47 miles and Gina did very well for not having much ride time in the last few weeks.
I did miss Checksix but caught this shout in a flyby haha!(interview video)
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First of all, I did see the Memorial placed in rembemberance of the fallen cyclist Kevin Unck. I had passed it two days ago but didn't notice it as there were two guys standing by it redirecting my attention. About 3 miles up from the gate, so sad and yes, a tricky usually dirty turn. My deepest to the family. GMR Blog has much more info on the incident and info on the ride in his honor which will be held on Saturday..... http://glendoramtnroad.blogspot.com
As far as myself, much better. Maybe the holidays are finally leaving the old body. 3minutes off my time on the climb from the last 2 times. Another6 or so and I'll be back to where I was before the holidays. Amazing how fast things can change.
I did see "Semaj" as he was flying up the hill. No way was I turning back trying to catch that guy, he's a rocket! Didn't recognize him till it was too late, he's so fast. I saw and recorded some other dude from Sho-Air flying up the mountain with a support vehicle. Looked like a TDF rider but I'm not sure haha! Funny thing, I was doing about 35 when I saw a quarter stuck in a crack in the road. Got an eye exam next week, watch me fail haha!
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Oh Gawd! Did GMR to the shack today, what a killer. Holidays, then 3 days in AZ visiting the daughter extended party time a little longer than usual. What better way to start trying to get back into shape than attacking GMR. Of course I seemed to have missed the start time on the 3T timetrial with FryDaddy and friends. Yeah, darn, I missed it hehe!
But I did get a glimpse of FryDaddy heading down while I was going up. I saw Dean go by and figured FD was near. On the way down, I stopped to do some posing when some motorcycle dude was looking pretty interested in my little setup. Sorry dude, it's mine! Then Cachequatch/Keithquatch (hope I spelled it right)rolled up on his new frame sporting his Incycle duds. We talked for a bit then rolled down together. Wow, this guy did an amazing job with his weight. From 320lbs to a 212 racer, WOW! Sort of made my whining up the hill today seem like peanuts haha! But it's great to run into riders that encourage others to enjoy the sport just as much as they do!
Well we will be away this weekend so no riding for us. So I slipped in this ride. I used to do this ride 2 times a week and it's still a good ride but I haven't done it much recently. If I start from home it adds another 15 miles but pressed for time so I did a short version, 20 miles. Nice ride, nice weather, a little windy on Glen Helen Parkway.
I ran across a few riders heading oppostie directions so I got a few of them in the video as fly by's. I did get one mother and daughter team though. Connected with Cycling Connection in one way or another. She said she wanted to see the video so if you know her, let her know where haha!
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Well I figured I need to get my legs rolling again. Too many holidays and GMR wasn't sounding like much fun this cold morning. So I hit up Bonelli Park for some good riding but without the big climbs of GMR. The Bonelli area just seems to have it all, restrooms, water, parks and nice riding. I did climb a little higher than Via Verde to the loop that overlooks CalPoly and the freeways for a peek. Everytime I drive the freeeway, I look up and say, "I have to ride on that road" just because I can see it from the freeway. I did forget about that little muthah of a climb out though haha!
When I first started riding in the hills, I started around Bonelli. I look back and laugh about the litlte bump coming out of the park area just east of the boatlaunch on Puddingstone Dr. Back then I thougth it was a huge hill! I felt pretty good today aso hopefully the legs are getting the message.
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01/08 Saturday.......47 miles on the trail today with Gina. Ran into Alex2 along the way. Got a glimpse of LewisAClark and The Legend Greg. Figures, I'm never ready with the recorder when they go by. I did see a dude ride by and call out my name. Not sure who he is but I got a glimps of him in the video and a couple stills that I extracted for ID (bright green).
Spoke with Victor at the Honda Center rest stop. Seemed pretty jazzed about being on the bike. Cold dark day with the sun playing games with us. Bright, then dark, then bright, then dark. geeze, make up your mind. Either way, it was a tough ride. Couldn't seem to get the legs warm and the headwind near the coast was stiff. Hmm, more than likely the tamales still talking back.
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Thurs 01/06......GMR to the shack with Eyemage. While waiting at the start for Eyemage to arrive, some dude rides up and says, "You're on the internet aren't you?". Yup, we chat for a bit and it turns out to be Semaj which is James backwards. Cool, dude has done the 3t ride with FryDaddy and friends and getting ready for the races in March. Turns out to be a real nice friendly guy. Nothing better than a super duper fast guy that's friendly and pleasant. I like these guys, fast but nice and when they drop you, they make you feel good about your takin' your ass whippin. Nice meeting you dude, very nice guy!
So Eyemage shows up and we get it on. Well we did the ride haha. "Feels" like months since I've been on the bike and the tamales are talking to me. Eyemage went easy on me today, I'm sure he could have easily dropped me like a hot potato but he held back being the nice guy that he is (yeah sure!). Well anyway, only one way to get back at it and that's to jump right in! I jumped back on GMR but I think it got the best of me today haha!
Music used in the video is because Eyemage woud not quit singing this song. I think it was some sort of subliminal song request.
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January 1st......42 miles on SART with Gina. Cold day, 40's at the start but kind of warmed up some. Flooded trail at Orangewood but rather easy crossing the road at that point. The tamales have taken their toll, it was tough! But a good sign that it's time to get back on the horse. Met up with BadRob from the Haircut Crew, Herb a regular on SART, Steve, the 71 yo inline skating champ and Brian, a former poster (Mercks Rider?) I believe he may start posting again.. Just a nice ride. I chose "Here comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again" for this simple video (not much happening in the ride dept) because aftera day liek today, it's a darn shame that more rain is on the way, saddens my heart.
In a hurry so I will fix any typos later, on the way to another NY get together haha!