We headed clockwise on the hill since Hillbasher had never been up this trail. It starts out climbing and just climbs and climbs. Then we headed up to Potato Mountain. We skipped the last steep mile. First time up, why torture the guy. That made it cool for me too, trying to get my butt back into some kind of shape.
Nice ride, all social attitude. Hillbasher did much better than I expected. I know he climbs GMR no problem but I expected him to have a little harder time in the dirt. Well, I should bring this one up for laughs. We hit a very steep section usually accompanied by loose rocks. This section comes late in the ride and gets you when you want it the least. I started up the steep section and somehow made it through without losing it. Just as I pass the section I hear a loud word, starts with an "F", four letters and it ain't "Fred" ha ha! Oh good, he lost it. That gives me a chance to take a break for some pics and sufferfest video.
Right around that point we ran into another rider, Eddie from Sunrise Ford. He joins us for a while but heads all the way up to Potato. We hung at the bottom for a bit, that was our plan, then headed down as Eddie continued up. It was a nice ride and I was seriously surprised at how friendly the wimmins were today. Summer must be right around the corner! You single guys REALLY need to start riding MTB. I heard Hillbasher say he'd like to do it again. Cool ride with Hillbasher, Minor, and Eyemage. Except that Eyemage had to head back early for work.
On the drive home, I saw a HUGE skateboard. First time for everything ha ha! (in the video) FTR, I used this song again after a year. I never really paid attention to it till I used it last year in a video. Now I listen to it all the time ha ha!

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