As we're kicking it at the coast with Herb and Alyce, Michelle the in line skater rides up with her group. She lets me know that she watched the video that I made a few months back and has a laugh about somethings I said about wedgie free underwear. She laughed thinking that I might have made the comments thinking that others wouldn't hear them. Gina assured her that I'm well aware of the comments I make on video so there are no surprises ha ha! It's entertainment! We discuss some skating then she's off with her group.
SO then we're chatting with Alyce when the thong dude rolls up on his in line skates ha ha! Saw him about 3 weeks ago and today he is "BACK". We have a quick peek and some laughs as he rolls out. Then a lady on vacation from New Mexico rolls up on her bike only to get us all "CRACKING UP"! She's funny and has us all rolling. After a minute or two she realizes it's being recorded and asks if she's going on YouTube. Yup, sure is and that only make it more of a "CRACK UP" as she turns beat red!
Of course I did mention that I withhold material if requested. Wouldn't want to get anyone in trouble. She said it was fine to post it and thought it was funny, so here it is ha ha!
I did miss quite a few pics today so not much to show in that department.

Omg!! Crazy back packers!!!!