Sunday, June 23, 2019

Gina's First Ride after Son's Death

a nice short 26 miler today actually. About 15.2 average speed. I just wanted to get her back on the bike after all that has happened. She did very well and actually I think helped her to chat about it with some female cycling friends, OK friend, Dixie! I'm sure it helped her relax a bit and get things off her mind.

But  WOW, she does need some sun ha ha! Looking at her pic I see the difference now. She did get back on the bike after more than a year with the illness of her younger son. We were all expecting him to pass so it was a surprise when the older one died. That is not a good sign of things to come. But she did get back on the bike a few times as mentioned couple months back and was doing well. This time I really had to work to get her on the bike. I know it's tough but she has to do something as I see her not caring about much more. Heck, she never wears much makeup but ask me if I have noticed it at all. Sure she doesn't want to doll up but one has to take care of themselves or they will be next. Sad we are spending most of our lives caring about others and neglect ourselves. So I really worked on her to get her back on the bike. Glad she did, good for the soul!

But she did very well! Of course we just did a nice effort and again, the headwinds are super stiff lately. I'm pushing pretty good doing 14.5 and passing people ha ha! I feel like I am doing a 17 effort but only getting 14 out of it! Anyway it turned out to be a good ride.

At the coast we ran into Jordan, Ron & Dixie. Gina and Dixie did their thing while Ron and I listened to Jordan tell us some stories. Ha ha ha the dude makes me laugh, some crazy stuff but stuff I can relate to. Tony and Thai were there for a bit, a little chat.  An old friend Tony who we hadn't seen in 10 years. Good to see him back on the bike.

But one really heavy guy who says he tours rolled up when we were sitting at the beach. As soon as I saw him rolling up I told Gina that was the dude who often here telling people that he is touring in from Ohio.

OK I am sorry, this dude is super heavy. I see a little muscle in his leg so I am guessing he does ride some but not from Ohio, not 65 miles every day, not over the last 2 years that I have seen him there. I am not sure how many times he has ridden his bike to Ohio and back in the last year ha ha! But if someone rides that much, they aren't going to have that big of a guy, I don't care how much you eat. Carrying a fully loaded cruiser type bike over mountain ranges is pretty serious stuff! Heck, I rode up and down GMR for a few months one year on a lighter roadie training for Ride Around the Bear and I dropped plenty of weight. No way, sorry guy, I've seen and heard your story before. Not buying it!

Gina looking down the road thinking, OK, let's get this party started!

Dude in blue, no way! Matter of fact, a group of touring types pulled up. He told one guy his story and he was quite entertained. Then another one of their group walked up and they were introduced. He said, "yeah we met! I met him here a couple of days ago as he said he was leaving to the Midwest, but yet, here he is!". Ha ha ha! Heard the guy tell about 5 different people the story while we were there. Same story, details, very well rehearsed. ;-)

Jordan: It's THIS BIG!!!! :-P

Chick checking out Ron's GoPro

Seen this dude a couple times. He rides up, sits there, listens to us, doesn't say a word but looks interested, then rides off after 20 minutes or so.

This is how stiff the headwind was today. Even the chicks had to hold onto their hats!

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