Sunday, December 22, 2024

Near Death Experience & Jose at Liberty Park Cyclist Support Station

 A really stressful week after taking one of those colon home tests. Kaiser suggested I take one and usually do every year. This year was different though, I got the results back testing positive. Blood in my system. Holy shit! So I worry all week about what might happen, am I going to die? Will they tell me that I am taken over by cancer, I dunno, never had any procedures done or really any problem other than having to watch my sugar. Never and operation or broken bone, never been in the hospital. So knowing they want me to do the colonoscopy, I have no idea what I'm in for thinking I'm already dead.

They call me at work on Thursday morning at about 6:30 suggesting I do the procedure. I'm thinking it must be important if they're rushing me like this, suggesting I do it on Saturday, a quick 2 days later. OK, I guess. Really didn't want to butt I don't want to have to worry about it so I agreed. Right away I was relieved even before the procedure. Couple nurses told me that they hate those home tests because rather than eliminating those that don't need the procedure, it seems the many false positive results they produce, more people get called in and they usually find nothing wrong. Then saying unless one has a pretty good history of cancer, the results are usually good.

So they took me in and right away, the doc put my mind at ease. Saying the same thing then with twilight sleep stuff, I was able to see the procedure on the monitor. Wow, I was pleased at how sweet my hole looked ha ha ha! Seriously, they found one small polyp that was easily removed and the doc said all was great. Received my results via email, other than that, I'm good......for another 10 years!

So Sunday, I did a 25 miler not knowing what to expect after the procedure. Would I get sick from the sleep stuff? What the saddle work its way up my ass? Ha ha ha I don't know but I felt great! No effects or traces of the procedure. Other than everyone around me being sick, work and home, I finally got a little but on Wednesday. Felt like I was going to get a sore throat, but not really. Then a slight nose run but not much then felt great through Saturday and the procedure. But then woke up Sunday morning without much of a voice, dang it. No discomfort, just no voice so I guess I can't complain.

So I might sound a little funny in the video. But only have to work Monday then off for a couple more Christmas days, I'll ride ha ha ha!

So today was a good 25 miler trying not to go too hard but felt great. Ran into Jose again at Liberty Park starting up his cyclist support station. Nice guy and always fun to chat with him.

So I guess I don't have to worry about dying. Did put a few thoughts in my head though but I dodged death this time ha ha ha! I remember a guy that I worked with 30 years ago, Andrew Fuggins. Said he was some kind of a high priest in some kind of religion, maybe he was just nuts but he said he could tell us, guys in the workforce, how we were going to die. He gave others details then I asked about myself. He said that the only thing that could kill Mr. Beanz, was Mr. Beanz himself. I asked what he meant and he said that only I could do myself in, but something like cancer or other illness that would take me but by me. Sorry Mr. Beanz, not this time and damn, I feel great and a big ease on my mind reminding me how great my life is and how lucky I am to be this way, feeling great in all aspects of life!

Yes, I have a beautiful hole ha ha ha!

Having fun and enjoying life with Gina after some good news.

Making the best out of my hospital socks, good for pumping up the tires ha ha ha!

Red hospital socks good for something, pumping up the tires ha ha ha!

I did have to fast almost all day prior and the morning of. Sadly our Christmas party at work was catered. Ribs, steak, chicken, potatoes, sweets but I couldn't eat at all so I just watched everybody.

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