SART Thread
Met Joel, Alex2, Herb & Alyce on the trail. OK, so the sickness is going around. I have a sore throat and my voice sounds funny. But overall I feel better, Every so often I cough a bit then feel OK after the bout. We had planned to kick up the mileage a bit but I was a Little worried how I'd feel on the bike. Got to the turnaround and Gina said go for it. So we hit Weir instead of stopping at Imperial for a few extra. Everything going well till we are half ways back to the coast. Then Gina starts feeling sick. Not good but we continue. We were doing OK but the last 5 miles or so, Gina really started feeling weak so we slowed the pace. Not sure what it is that's slowing her down, the sore throat or the fact that she forgot to take her Heartburn meds haha!
We ran into Herb & Alyce on the way to the coast so we stopped to chat for a bit. Same with Alex near the stadium. He's doing another 100! While we were chatting with H&A, Jack rolled by on his bent. We eventually caught him near the coast and did a little riding together. The dude is 79 years old now. Wow, although he has given up his upright, he's still riding even after a battle with colon cancer! GO Jack! Did get a quick flyby by Eric Anderson on his bent too.
At the coast we ran into a dude named Joel. friendly guy and a darn sweet bike. Of course I had to check it out so I moved in with the recorder haha! He's getting ready for the San Diego Gran Fondo.
Joel in all white, Alex2, and Herb/Alyce on the tandem.

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