Monday, October 23, 2023

Solo 20 EZ Sunday

 Very easy 20 on San Gabe.  Pico to the dam and back. Tried keeping my heart rate down in 120s. Takes discipline to make oneself go easy. 

Strange enough,  I was going very easy but didn't see one rider pass me on the 10 miles up and not one on the way down.  Quite a few riders out there but not one passing me from behind.  Very strange while riding that easy.

In other parts of the world,  I continue to be annoyed by how pathetic cyclists are with their attitudes with drivers. I saw a post on Facebook about angling headlights down in order to avoid blinding others. Pic of two cyclists and the beam, cartoon type image.

But right away,  some pathetic moron says ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS GET DRIVERS TO TURN DOWN THEIR HIGH BEAMS.  Really?  I don't think I've ever seen an accident,  incident,  or situation posted by a cyclist thst didn't get turned around blaming a driver for the situation. 

C'mon man, talking about bikes and it goes to the driver blame. Take some responsibility would you!

Been riding at night fairly often,  never been blinded by a car. Honestly,  I have my eyes focused ahead of me watching out for hard to see debris in the road trying to stay safe.  

Now if you're on the road at night focusing on oncoming vehicular lights, you're a freaking moron for blinding yourself. MOF, I have been blinded on the road once. By an ebike on the wrong side of the road in the dark of night  heading towards me in my bike lane, moron! So much I had to just about pull over to a stop trying to figure out what was going on. 

Then on the bike trail.  Groups of 3 or 4 riders running obnoxious strobes, in the light of day, bike trail,  no cars, obnoxious Blinding strobes.

Another time by a group ride leader who said one should never use a strobe in traffic at night because a cyclist could confuse a driver making him think the strobe is from an emergency vehicle.  Ok yeah but the idiot puts a white light on his seat pack riding in a group of 20 ish on a bike trail.  

Yeah   2 or 3 times I almost panicked thinking another cyclist was coming head on with me. What a dope! 

But yet as always,  blame a driver for your lak of skill and attention. 

I remember years ago,  a cyclist was found dead o the side of the road.  All comments were about trying to find the killer driver who was texting not paying attention.  My first thought was, had there been a driver involved?

Oh man, I was the cyclist hater but then turns out tge guy was cycling early morning   hit a grating in the road, solo flipped breaking his neck. Poor guy, I feel sorry but feel just as bad for the killer driver who was accused but never even existed. Too many haters out there.

I'm probably the only guy I know who gets a little box for a dollar,  lines with foam to use as a carrying case for my GPS and HR monitor. Little box with a foam taco type sleeve to protect my HR monitor. 😄

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